
Hey Mom, where are you?
Here I am, echoed you.
Passed by nostalgic moments,
Realizing now your absence.
That wrinkled skinny hand,
me waiting on forehead to land.
Tender care,love and worry,
updating herself in a hurry.
Rocking cradle, ruling world,
strong pillar, nuisance never heard.
'She', the wonder woman,
juggling globe, the superwoman.
House manager, facts perfect.
lending help, no changes left.
Replica of silent flowing river,
Not to be selfish, only a giver.
From open Sky to the caged Zoo,
Different time zones passed who.
Learner, teacher, feeder, unlimited roles.
shaping her children to attai
n goals.
barefoot steps, empty stomach was she,
weary look, disguised in contentment she.
Alert eyes and predicting mind,
Heart says, peace she will find.
Dreams and desires taken aback,
Focus on kids, requirements shouldn't lack.
Strong bones to weakened now,
Shivering hands, want to work, but how.
Literate grown up heedless hierarchy,
Upgrading self, sometimes being naughty.
Vanished the upper hand one day,
Shocking revelations which lay.
Finally framed, and overlooked remnants,
Worthless us, she who won unlimited penance.
Incomparable aura, influencing personality.
Mom she is, imbibed unflinching quality.