
I think quite often of "Mary" these days
"Bloody Mary" as she was called
Are we similar she and I
And she the queen that burnt all.
Our dissimilarities many too
Born centuries and continents apart
I try to make sense of her pain and grief
Try to see her hell through my eyes.
Torn away from the womb that gave her birth
Not a bastard was she
Forced to serve the king's progeny
Her dignity trampled by all.
But then, how did she become so reviled
A fearsome, loathsome queen
She killed and killed
Her hunger never satiated
The protestants burnt alive
She hated and hated, she sought revenge
Her life engulfed in flames.
But could she ever hurt the "one"
That burnt her s
oul in hell?
If she hated "him" the most
Then why did her revenge seek all?
Did "Mary" find her God?
She died a loner's death.
She chose God as her companion and savior,
Did she find her peace?
Did those incessant killings soothe her soul
Bring her self worth back?
Her sense of self, her sense of pride
Trampled upon by "Him".
Which part of her did "He" damage so bad,
That revenge was all she sought?
She ceased being a woman, a nurturer, a daughter
And soaked her hand in blood.
I wish she found her peace
On her deathbed
Letting go of her grief
Maybe, just maybe in the end
The eternal light shining above
Told her
She was much more, a lot more
Than a "mere She".