
He grew without a mum,
Without dad.
No family to call his own.
No one to direct his path.
Love was a mystery in his sight.
A lonely soul,
Delivered into the jungle.
Lost in the darkness of solitude,
Life was a lonely lane.
Dry like the desert.
Each day he strived.
Fought demons of negativity.
Mephistopheles is a great charmer,
Pushed him each time to vanity.
Like a warrior, he knocked.
Pondering in his desolation,
He asked the universe...
"What's my purpose? Will
I always suffer? Was I made to watch others bloom? Was I created with blurred vision? Am I cursed? Or am I a burden to the universe?"
Even the animals saw his gloom.
But one day,
Nature wept for this lad.
The universe shared his agony.
The galaxy was touched by his lamentations.
Sun and moon wailed at the sight of his gloom.
The gods and goddesses heartbroken,
Gave out a blow of the convocation trumpet.
All who felt his pain rushed in.
The meeting was to get a solution.
Does he possess the gift of multiplication?...