Monarch Butterfly



Monarch Butterfly


Journey Of Life Is A Life Of Emotions

Journey Of Life Is A Life Of Emotions

1 min

It's so good to always stay happy,

But are all of them that lucky?

Loving people we all want around,

But sadness always felt and sound. 

The depressed mind would sink like a ship,

When success has no grip.

Smile is such a precious gift 

Which can make our mood lift.

So why do people smile less,

When they're upset due to loneliness.

Tough times are part of life,

Then why do people criticize?

And play with other's emotions, 

Even while knowing that every problem has a solution. 

Let's have the resolution to smile each time, 

Whether it's dark or sunshine.

Cold and cruelty are what we have seen,

But ever thought why they have been?

Just think about yourself in situations, 

You'll start understanding their conditions. 

None is born cruel or bad,

They might have faced something really sad.

Without knowing don't judge them,

By setting mind free, just feel them. 

Emotions are worth it in actual,

Don't just feel only fictional.

Give attention to your priority,

Have faith in change for society. 

Do the work you love to do,

Find your happiness within you.

Income is secondary in line,

Satisfaction is primary and always destined.

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