It's About A Time
It's About A Time

It's about a time,
I didn't know I was sick.
It's about a time,
I thought it was normal to breathe this quick.
It's about a time,
I didn't know what anxiety meant.
It's about a time,
I thought it was normal to go where I went.
I thought this is how hearts beat.
It's normal, in my palms, this heat.
My outsides are icy cold,
But my insides burn.
I let out nervous laughs and pretend it's all right as my intestines churn.
I thought we all felt it.
The fear of speaking aloud.
I thought it was normal to have over my head this perpetual dark cloud.
Did I really not know?
That this neverending pit in my stomach was not a general trait?
It's now finally time,
I learn I have anxiety.
But I'm afraid, it's way too late.