Four Sons of Tenth Guru
Four Sons of Tenth Guru

Ajit Singh--– the unbeatable, invincible
Jujhar Singh--– the struggler
Jorawar Singh--- the fit and tough
Fateh Singh--- the winner ,victorious
These names of Sahebzadas four
Beloved sons of Guru we adore
Have in them the qualities bright
That Guru teaches us all alike
First you be the invincible in faith
For being one you need to struggle
pan> That struggle can only be put forth If you have the valour and vigour If all three are there in you o’ devout Victorious none can knock you out For being unconquerable in life Ye need to put up a difficult strife For resilient strife, have a valour To fight against injustice and allures Nurture strength of body mind n soul Then doubt not, triumph is ye in whole