Diya Barmecha

Romance Action Thriller


Diya Barmecha

Romance Action Thriller



1 min

He was a werewolf

And she was a Vampire

They were twins

Closer than any siblings could ever be

But they could not help hating each other


They used to have each other’s back

And now they scratched each other’s backs

They used to rule the world together

Now they want to make sure they were the only ruler

They were inseparable

Now they live in separate countries

All the feelings they have of each other

are hatred and disgust

But they kept a hold of the memories

>They still had and fantasized about them

Memories that were mostly forgotten and

Never to occur again

Yet they kept hope,

Hope that the impossible would be in their favour

Hope that things would go back to normal

Hope that they could be twins and not rivals

Hope that they could be what they were and not what they are

Hope that they can turn back time


Each could have immense power

But neither wanted it.

All they wanted was to turn back time

But for now,

All they had was hope

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