Taj Mohammad

Classics Others


Taj Mohammad

Classics Others

God You Are Merciful

God You Are Merciful

1 min

GOD is pervasive in each and every,

part of the universe..

Feel and see that HE is everywhere...!!

rise of the sun...

in the evening, then set...!!

Night becomes morning...

Wind blowing, Water raining...!!

thunder of clouds...

falling of snow...

It is not in the control of 

human beings to do all this…!!

firefly sparkle in the dark night...

Coming moonlight in every night...!!

tweeting birds on the trees...

animal cry...

In all these this is the leela of GOD...!!

waves in the sea...

growing of p

lants from the earth...

growing of trees from small seeds...

blooming flower...

coconut water...

All this shows the existence of GOD…!!

to make the sky so big...

having such a wide earth...

this deep sea...

mountain peaks touching the sky...

It is not the creation of men

to make all of these...!!

Let us all bow,

our heads to our loving GOD...

be blessed with a bright life...


our heartfelt tribute to YOU...

we are stupid humans...

but GOD YOU are merciful...

shower YOUR blessings on us…!!

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