We are playing a game
In the life's lane
I am juggling,
I am struggling
balancing the daily grind
I keep the fire burning
and set the ball rolling
in the premises of my field
with no one to shield
The Almighty is my Umpire
Blowing a whistle when
mistakes I make dire
The game I play is my entire
I am not alone in this lane
there are fellow men
with different name
duties not the same
I am the batsman
but the baller is unknown
Runs, my score I do not know.
Whether I win or lose,
My performance in life
is measured by my sincerity
to my work.
From duties, I do not shirk.
O' Man do not be a football
of others opinion
Lead your life, on your terms
Be the captain and let others learn.
Teamwork is the mantra
to win
giving praise to boost esteem.
Life is not always a bed of roses
sometimes very hard
a roller coaster ride.
When with the rules
you do not abide.
Judgment too may not be on your side.
All is fair in the game
Do your best
To the Lord, you leave the rest.