Goldi Mishra

Drama Romance


Goldi Mishra

Drama Romance



2 mins


I yearn to hold on to a forever that's true,

Though sunshine fades with dusk, and coffee's final sip anew.

Though rivers flow to the sea, and then their journey's done,

I seek something that will stay, a love that's never undone.

Let's compose a song that I can hum along,

A melody that I can record and replay all day strong.

Let's walk the shore, side by side, and leave our footprints deep,

A permanent mark that time won't erase, a love that forever will keep.

Let's break free from cages, and be birds that soar as one,

Together, forever, under the same sun.

I'll write a poem for you, where you'll forever stay,

A verse that time won't fade, a love that's here to stay.

Let's dance in the rain, wild and free,

So the rain remember

s us, and our love forever will be.

Let's talk long into the night, so our names entwined will stay,

In the records of our hearts, forever, every single day.

Let's take a thousand pictures, to capture every smile,

So memories of our love will forever linger, all the while.

Let's spend a lazy Sunday, in each other's loving gaze,

So our love will forever be, in every moment, every phase.

Let's create a painting, with colors bright and bold,

So our love will forever shine, a masterpiece to behold.

What is it that will forever stay?

Perhaps the dreams we've written, in our hearts, every single day.

Let's meet at a crossroads, and search for a forever true,

And when we find it, let's hold on, and forever see it through.

-Goldi Mishra 

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