Dying Again
Dying Again

Look in the mirror at my decaying face,
Like a flower before its end, leaves falling away,
Like a ghost in the dark, fading away,
A fight I can't win, I am dying today.
Though don't cry for me dear, cry you shall not,
I am used to this now I've become nonchalant,
It's not my first time, it won't be my last,
It's in my future as it was in my past,
Death has a desire to visit me often.
My body has hardened into my own coffin,
Trapped in this flesh with the soul of the dead,
The girl who was murdered but her pulse never left.
I cried so long once, my eyes rolled out my head,
Then there was that time, I sat screaming so hard,
My voice crumbled to nothing and out into the dark,
I have begged and I've prayed, I
've repented my sins,
But death visits still wearing his cloak and a grin,
I used to crawl deep into my skin,
But now I pour him a gin,
For I know its fight, I can't possibly win.
There are so many ways, one can die before death,
There is so much life, one can live without breath,
The calendar continues as I wait for my grave,
And death visits tirelessly, day after day,
I am entirely numb to this game that he plays,
So I let him stay, no longer panic or scream,
For there is NOTHING of death, I haven't already seen.
And now I sit watching my own decayed face,
And I know there is time before the end of my days,
And I know one day he will come and take me away,
But today's just a day, that I am dying again.