Windows To The Soul
Windows To The Soul

When the light hits the heart,
I'm smiling deep inside.
I'm so happy I could cry.
These emotions bubble up from deep inside.
These windows reflect a happy, tired face.
Life has finally led me to be here.
I'm living in the moment.
I've stepped away from the past.
Whether I love,
Whether I'm kind,
Whether I'm good,
Whether I'm bad,
Whether it's black,
Whether it's white,
None of it matters to me at this very moment.
Nothing straps me down to the past.
I'll admit,
I've done some horrible things,
Stupid things,
Things that didn't need to be done.
I've said some horrible things,
Stupid things,
Things that didn't need to be said.
I know I've hurt people,
I know I've made some horrible choices,
Stupid choices,
Choices that didn't need to be made so hastily.
Right now,
t at this very moment,
I've left all of that far behind me.
This is who I've grown to be.
This is the real me,
Deep inside.
Right now,
Right at this very moment,
This is the way I feel.
My heart has found a home.
This is where I'm staying.
I'm staying right where I want to be.
These words are the windows to the soul,
My soul if you will.
There's nothing else.
There's no one else.
It's just me and my feelings.
Don't try and stand in my way.
I'll shove you down.
I haven't chosen the easiest path.
This I know full well.
This won't stop me from standing up after falling down.
This won't stop me from trying.
Go on and skin me alive.
Go on and pierce my very flesh with your words and actions.
I'll just let it bounce off of me.
Bring it on.
Give me all you've got.
I'm ready for you this time around.