Different lines-human beings
Different lines-human beings

As they try to bring
the interpretation
for humans on the earth
And push them to unnatural death
animals spend time
birds too follow sometimes
But human beings adopt distinct lines
And define the dominant role
Different laws for human beings
the different beings
How much we care for the poor and rich!
And to prevent the poor from reaching the top
Many say "even god made different yardstick"
And applied cruel stick
To grant luxury to
the rich
And prevented poor from reaching two
Square mills
Even society applied a double standard
And uses inferior words
Rich is given honourable address
Here as poor are left faceless
Even in courts
poor get a curt reply
politicians get preference
Their cases are heard first at once
Poor get death for the want of medicine
Adequate facilities are denied
They are not in a position to afford
There is no word of solace for their condition.