Dance Of Life....
Dance Of Life....

Just close your eyes and think,
Unknowingly your eyes will blink.
As you walk through your memory lane,
Which are stored in your brain.
You will get many more remembrance,
Some will make you happy and some will be embraced.
When you reach your lane of childhood,
You will be amazed at your dressing, your talk, and your food.
You can't stop smiling at your funny things,
That's you had made simply knowing nothing.
Your innocence and wonders, you will like,
That's the starting of your Dance Of Life.
Then, when you reach your youthhood stage,
You will see many different tactful images.
Some will make you feel proud and happy,
Some will make you feel shy and flappy.
The mistakes of those days and lies
The love and betrayals to match your ego at high.
The friends and their
jokes, without any meaning,
Those fears, which made you Godfearing.
The daydreams to please others,
Which had never been achieved either.
This will give both pains and pleasure,
And you can realize the Dance Of Life and your desire.
Then, when you proceed to the next lane,
You could see making a family with wife as man &woman.
You can see the real love and care,
That you had tried to do and it was fair.
Your struggles to succeed and your win,
Your all those failures for your mistake and sin.
Your charm in bringing up your children,
And they grew older, still your love &care for the same.
Now you had grown older and at old age,
Feeling like being a prisoner inside time's cage.
This makes you struggle for your freedom,
Then this Dance Of Life alerts you to keep your eyes open.