Lokanath Rath

Romance Action Classics


Lokanath Rath

Romance Action Classics

First Kiss

First Kiss

1 min

I don't know how it all happened

That created sizzling sensation

With the wish of the night to end

And keep alive our passion.

It's our love and feelings

That brought us together

As you became my Valentine 

While we were facing each other.

You smiled at me

With your lusting desire

That tempted the desire of mine

As we both were bathing in love's fire.

You came close to me and whispered

I hugged you with passion

Then you with smile murmured

That aroused my emotions.


saw your soft and silky lips

As if feeling very thirsty

That made my hands to slip

And hold your face little tight.

You closed your eyes

While my lips touched yours

That was our passionate first kiss

Which lasted for hours.

We went on to explore

Our skin with sweet kisses

Which still I remember

That was the moment of bliss.

Let our love and romance to continue

Till we have this life to live

Our love is eternal, let our hearts to preview

And always for this kiss we will strive.

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