Kate Eddy
Drama Tragedy
A painting wo...
Excessive Com...
She wished sh...
The Lesson Of...
The Attempt T...
"Tell Me & I ...
A Painting Wo...
What you see ...
When everythi...
Were there no...
The mighty river flows significantly with pride The mighty river flows significantly with pride
A dramatic ending A dramatic ending
I will not be unhappy ever more... Since I have got a friend like you !! I will not be unhappy ever more... Since I have got a friend like you !!
empty empty
Wanted to see everything, wanted to perceive everything, First came curiosity then courage then fea... Wanted to see everything, wanted to perceive everything, First came curiosity t...
"Children of Convicts: Unseen and Unheard" is a heart-wrenching narrative from the eyes of a daughte... "Children of Convicts: Unseen and Unheard" is a heart-wrenching narrative from t...
My silence is my armour My silence is my armour
For in the quiet of winter, where thoughts softly snow, Lies the wisdom of reflection, a journey to... For in the quiet of winter, where thoughts softly snow, Lies the wisdom of refl...
The poem inks the loneliness of the protagonist when her only hope has left her in a puddle or lonel... The poem inks the loneliness of the protagonist when her only hope has left her ...
If the pen is mightier than the sword, why not cast a revolution with it? If the pen is mightier than the sword, why not cast a revolution with it?
Like Michael Jackson song when he mentioned, "Looking at the man in the mirror". This piece reflects... Like Michael Jackson song when he mentioned, "Looking at the man in the mirror"....
Life is full of beauty and yet so unpredictable... Life is full of beauty and yet so unpredictable...
Into the everlasting vastness of a deeper universe Into the everlasting vastness of a deeper universe
The charades to our supernatural goals, Should have conceived no children at all. The charades to our supernatural goals, Should have conceived no children at all...
I wander alone And you are amused. I wander alone And you are amused.
The poem says Hope is the fire that burns down all negativity that the heart likes to hold on to The poem says Hope is the fire that burns down all negativity that the heart lik...
Drowning in fears of flight Drowning in fears of flight
Living in two worlds, She is bathed in beauty and beaten to death. Lives elegantly but begs... Living in two worlds, She is bathed in beauty and beaten to death. Lives elega...
A human who finds himself buried in the toils of life accolades this mountain. He has stood alone al... A human who finds himself buried in the toils of life accolades this mountain. H...