Abstract Romance Inspirational



Abstract Romance Inspirational

Blurred Memories

Blurred Memories

2 mins

Years have passed and they seem like ages,

Our dreams have withered and decayed with time cause they were 'Ours',

All those blame games have evaporated and the anger blemished,

We are distant from each other,

We cross each other's thoughts but...

But we do not admit that,

We act to have 'forgotten' each other,

Of course, that's an ego booster and practical,

In a world where everything gets judged, feelings are bound to be scrambled and dismissed,

We are not what we are but what we show to be,

We are not the sudden gush of emotions that run through our veins,

We are what our lips declare.

We sit alone by the fire, away from the daily congestions,

It's just then t

hat the memory of 'Us' flashes.

We like that but at the same time dismiss it to stay in the present,

As we cannot afford to be ourselves in front of the mirror,

We cannot let the world know that we love, we care and treasure memories,

Won't that make us seem weak and vulnerable?

Only the 2 a.m clock and the pillow knows the real us,

Knows our thoughts,

Knows the hidden tears that get spilled,

They know our long-forgotten hearts.

Some words are better left unsaid,

Some stories never get read,

But that never makes them any less beautiful.

It's just that precious gems lay hidden in the chest.

And just with time blurring images blur the eyes without dropping a tear.

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