Ba Ba, I Need The Spa !!!
Ba Ba, I Need The Spa !!!
Cook coodo coo
Bark and mooo
Every day this wakes me up
And gets me tea in my cup
Hawoooooo every day this is my cue
That I’m late for school and have no clue
Quak quak quak, this means I am back
Schools over and homework comes in a huge sack
Pur!!! The cats go
It means its time to water my willow
Neigh !!!!! My horses whine
It means I have forgotten to wash their saddles and make them shine.
Chripitty chirp chirp my crickets warn
I’ve forgotten to kay the corn
Finally, my chores are over
Oink oink oink not yet you still have to visit the grocer
Ahun ahun huh I'm so tired
But if I don’t finish work ill be fired
Finally, I’m back and I plop on my bed
With my work slippers off and a pillow under my head
My day was finally over and so I fell asleep
Meh meh meh - I forgot to feed my sheep