Aanchal Bharara



Aanchal Bharara




1 min

She was unhappy... No one ever read it on her face...

No one ever knew... No one understood her case.

She tried to talk her heart out with him... But to no avail...

They never paid heed to her problems... No one understood her...No one read her tale.

Her reasons of losing the sunshine smile, were not known by them...

She was hurt from inside, was not known by them.

She screamed from the depth of her heart, but silently somewhere...

Her cries went unheard, even by the walls there.

Her voices never reached their ears...

 Unnoticed on their floors, were her tears.

She thought her world was over...Everything was finished, all was lost.

On a day, she realized...She was still alive and strong...

She moved on in life and continued what she loved doing...

She followed her heart and fulfilled her dreams.

They broke her wings and tried to cage her for life...

But all this could'nt stop her from flying.

She continued to fight... And emerged as a fighter and a winner today.

She lives with her head and chin up... And they salute her today.

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