Vaachi Dixit

Tragedy Inspirational Others


Vaachi Dixit

Tragedy Inspirational Others

Anger & Violence (Unfortunate Afghanistan)

Anger & Violence (Unfortunate Afghanistan)

1 min

What would it all this bring to you,

Just give some happiness and satisfaction for some time to you,

But can cause pernicious harm to others.

And can break hearts and can kill someone’s dear ones.


Nothing but it’s just like not being punished for your anger,

But getting punished by your own anger;

Same as grasping a piece of hot coal to throw at others,

But firstly not harming the other person but causing pain to that hand which is none but only yours.


Anger and violence cannot construct anything,

Cannot be a solution to anything,

Cannot be a cause of someone’s face smiling,

But can only destroy and demolish a



They cannot offer you that inner happiness,

But rather breaks a society and your relations into pieces,

They cannot actually be a reason to success,

But has the ability to later give you regrets.


If you are angry,

It makes you physically weaker,

Rather keep it in abeyance,

Rather respond to situations calmly and peacefully,

This would make you stronger and happier.


Remember choices made in anger cannot be undone,

Remember violence can only shun situations,

Remember anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of night,

And Remember Violence only worsens things with all its might.

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