What Does Freedom Mean To You?
What Does Freedom Mean To You?
For to be free is to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others,
A heady draft whose effect is like that of young wine on youngsters,
Life without liberty is like a body without spirit,
We must be free not because we claim freedom, but because we practice it.
The freedom India has got is the success of sacrifices of heroes without capes which has wrought,
Emancipation they wanted their people to betaught,
Hence it was the fundamental freedom they sought.
In the constitution of free India, the idea of liberty was immensely straught, to make its ideology
actual and not a hollow thought.
May freedom has a standard meaning in the dictionary,
That is power or the right to act, speak, or think as one wants is its ancillary,
As well as not granting the right to make an individual his dromedary,
But in real life its essence to all is not uniform and sometimes adversary;
Everyone wants freedom but from person to person, differs its appetencies,
Not to ask, its access to diverse ethnicities is yet a target of queries,
If someone wants the freedom to write the other wants censorship laboratories,
someone wants not to be judged, then rules soi-disant superiors’ superiority.
Freedom to a child is access to nutrition and education with quality,
To a teenager is the right to vote or gain the desired hobby,
From young to middle-aged man is to work and fulfil their monetary needs independently,
To senior citizens means the right to life, health, and the right to freedom from savagery.
A woman might long for a walk under the stars at midnight that she’s being cut off under the name of
To an entrepreneur is to take risks and make something valuable out of his expertise,
To a farmer, freedom is to save, sow re-sow, share or sell their farm produce, including seeds of
protected varieties
To an industrialist is the provision of barriers or competing openly with companies,
To a doctor is right to choose whom to serve and expect certain behaviour from weaklings.
In a nutshell freedom for everyone is not similar,
And the influential try to take one's liberty seizure,
In my view, freedom's meaning is evolving forever,
And securing each one's freedom is one of the tasks upon states that still linger.