Papa, the real hero
Papa, the real hero

My Papa my Hero
Papa is not only a word
Its strong base and roof of family life
Papa means real hero for kids
So is it for me
When I entered into this beautiful world
Papa is the first person who holds me & welcome with tears of joy
When I start walking
He was the one who started jumping with joy like daffodils dance in valley
When I fall he felt pain
But proudly, lovingly looked at me, hug me and said
Proud of you my Princess
U did it ..!
Stand up again now you can run
I started running in life
With age by age
He stand by me as solid rock
to hold me, protect me
which teach me how to become protective
Whenever I succeeded
Papa treat me like a warrior princess
In each failure
When I was in sorrow
He pampered me trusted me and encourage me
which took all sorrow away
And forced me to try again till success..
Whenever I shout at him out of anger or irritation
His silence taught me
How to remain calm in worst situations ..!
whenever I want to eat icecream
Mom always scolded to protect me from falling sick
I look at him with full of tears
Then Papa is the one who also said no it’s not good for health but&nb
quietly took me to icecream Parlor
fed me and said it’s our secret,
promise me u will not fall sick
Whenever I fell sick
He spends his countless sleepless night till I sleep peacefully
Which taught me the biggest lesson how to sacrifice for loved ones in need
and be protective and protect self
Papa is the person Who knows my real strength, weakness & stubborn nature
He accept me whole heartedly as I am
with his unconditional love he correct me teach me happily
fulfilled my desires even it’s hard for him That taught me to always respect each other’s feeling and accept person whole heartedly
Teaching me daily how to grow and succeed in life
When I start spread my wings .
Papa quietly leave my hand
said good bye to earth
For his heavenly journey
I become alone, felt cheated by him
Lost all hope to fly again
Suddenly all his lessons and last word to me
"Proud of you beta"
Gives me all strength and feeling
He is always with me
Whenever I fall he will hold me
Whenever I feel aloof he will talk to me
As he was best friend philosopher and guide .!
I worlds know that even he is not physically with me
He was and is The Real Hero forever of my life !