The Mirror Friend
The Mirror Friend

You see yourself and your emotions in me,
I am your twin, but desolate without you.
Never be scared to disclose your true self,
For I shall never be your judge or foe.
I am a face having no expression of my own;
It's always void, awaiting an emotion to bloom.
Some days I am left alone in my loneliness,
Seeking a cheerful face to make me alive.
You need not be worried if left alone in grief,
I am there in your pain to shed tears with you.
You need not be sad if none to feast with you,
I am there to rejoice in your accomplishments.
Many a time, I see you in romance and love.
And seeing you smile is the best of my existence.
I detest seeing your sullen looks and stares,
But I shall not shirk my duty of emulating you.
If I could choose for myself to be as I like,
I would always put up a pleasant face for you.
If I were powerful to change emotions,
No one would wear a melancholic face.
I am a patient listener you can trust upon,
And my ears shall be open to you unceasingly.
Though my consolation can't be felt or seen,
I still can listen in silence, offering no solution.
I am the best friend the world has ever seen.
Sometimes I shatter into pieces by your rage,
Still, I can show you wholly in my little faces.
I shall be your companion, even if I am broken.
I am unlike your fleeting relations and friends
Who find fault with you and show scorn faces.
I shall never welcome you nor let you down
With a disdainful face, unless you show it to me.
I am you and I exist no more without you.