Daring Solitude
Daring Solitude

I dare to let my tongue despise all wrongs,
In a world where conformity often claims its throne.
Injustice and oppression, a threat to my eyes,
No longer shall silence bind me in disguise.
Immoral might shall not withstand my audacious flair,
Alone I'll traverse, unyielding to unfair advice.
No one may join me, no helping hand to lend,
But truth I'll seek, wherever it may hide.
Though scorned and frowned upon, I will forge ahead,
Undeterred by adversity's relentless fight.
y and doubt, mere echoes in the wind,
When victory graces my path, making me proud.
I dare to stand alone like a solitary light,
Igniting change, dispelling the shadows of the night.
For those who scoffed and doubted, their voices shall fade,
As truth and justice prevail, like a powerful cascade.
In the pursuit of truth, I know where I belong.
The fear of solitude will never hold me back.
Solitary warriors who dare to take a stand,
Can bring about change, reshaping the land.