Soham Mondal

Abstract Classics Inspirational


Soham Mondal

Abstract Classics Inspirational

An Ode To India

An Ode To India

1 min

Oh India, my glorious motherland!

There is no land more diverse than yours,

From the mountains in the north to the coastal sands,

You unfold different colors, to the one who tours.

Nowhere is a land so rich in culture and heritage,

And in philosophy, while learning, foreigners age.

We are blessed by God the Creator Grand,

For this opportunity to live in your land. 

On the banks of the great rivers,

Are found the colossal urban centers;

Of Lucknow, Delhi and Prayag,

Not to forget Kolkata and Benar's.

You are home to 1.4 billion people,

Young and old, tall and little;

Who move forward with you,

To be grea

tly advanced and new.

As the entire world laments,

To not be so superb as you,

We, the people, are making advancements,

And turning our dreams true.

As we praise thee, o glorious Motherland,

We praise our great heroes;

Our martyrs and our freedom fighters,

Who laid down their lives for your cause.

'Punjab, Sindh, Gujarat, Maratha,

Dravida, Utkala Banga"; 

There is no land so great as yours,

From America to Africa or Siberia to Tours.

He who nurtures hate for you,

Is not a son of your soil;

While he who praises you, 

Shall be praised and respected too.

Jai Hind! Vande Mataram!

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