Apartment 36B
Apartment 36B
Wandering like a predator after office,
I found myself vehemently lonely.
Oh. please..!.. It is the Food I am talking about,
These days KFC, Dominos even the Roadside stalls appear to lose the charm!
Where can I get a handful of food..?
I realize this hunger is lurking in my mind, not in the stomach.
Meghan Trainor becomes irresistible, “I am gonna love like I am gonna lose you
I am gonna hold you like I am saying goodbye”.
And I can relate this to my cravings for a plate of food - anything!...
Even my mind knows where I can get the food I want,
It knows and it is not telling me.
It is ordering me.
But how am I supposed to…!!
: rgb(0, 0, 0);">No. It's long enough.
I can't visit the place. But the choice is already made.
Okay, I will go. The mind is wrecked, the soul is shattered, and I am gathering the skull of my past and present,
Writing down a conclusion that is about to happen in the near future. Few hours.
Taking a U-Turn, I set the GPS, “Riverland Cruize, Thousand Oaks, CA - 911150”
And now it's showing “Apartment 36B”
Yes, it is the name. Shall I give a call?
No, I will surprise her just the way I used to do,
After that five ruthless winters have shown their colors.
She had an unconscious demand for my monthly salary and I was so happy about it.
And she used to say, ‘Which color’
Pinkish Red!
She used to say “Oh baby. Strap off and Strap On”
Buckle Up and Strap On!
Strap? Yes...