Venus and Mars Lost Love
Venus and Mars Lost Love

One fine beautiful morning all planets were sitting together at Sun's mansion and admiring the beauty of heaven and proudly showcasing their prowess in creating the beautiful world.
There are 9 Graha's i.e planets in astrological science including the Star, Sun.
As they sat together each of them gleamed with pride to know how they contribute to maintain harmony and balance the karmic actions on each being.
Saturn: I signify contraction.I adhere to discipline, being responsible.I might seem as a tough guy and people are scared of me especially during Sadesatti period but I also reward abundantly to those who are true to their karma.I do justice
Moon : I represent emotions, the way you feel , your moods.
Mercury : I help you in expressing yourself, the way you communicate , your intellectual powers.
Venus : I am a cupids friend, I am all about love, beauty , luxury.
Jupiter: I expand, I amplify the growth, luck , wisdom
Uranus: I am the change required for betterment, i am rebellious and have eccentric nature.I am a planet of sudden inspiration
Neptune : I give imagination , I am your instinct.I am your dreams
Pluto : I am your power to know how to deal with birth and death , the humane cycle.
While all were happily discussing about their powers, Sun saw Mars sitting quietly with a frown expression at one corner.Sun requested for silence in the mansion and said dear Mangal (Mars) what happened , everyone around you is so happy why are you sitting aloof don't you want to join your friends.
Mars said, " I feel cornered here, everyone is bestowed with Supreme qualities they are all loved but no one likes me. I also wish to spread love like Venus, all humans admire Shukr but no one wants Mangal, I am considered a hurdle in their love life if I am positioned in their martial houses, they call it Manglik Dosha, people marry a banyan tree and what all to get rid of my affects. I feel let down,Venus is so lucky to be admired"
There was silence in the mansion, although sun knew each of them were important but he granted a wish to Mars, " If you are unhappy with your powers and feel belittled dear Mangal, do you want to live a life of Venus?"Mars gleamed with joy, "Yes! Your highness and knealed to be throned"Ok, Mangal you are crowned the new Venus powers.Tomorrow we will have a no Mars day on human life and Venus your powers are suspended and given to Mars.Before Venus could utter something , Saturn went to Venus and asked to remain calm until tomorrow.
The next d
ay Mars went to Earth's tour.He saw the beautiful nature has been turned to a concrete jungle by these humans.His heart felt wrenched looking at the plight.He had to Vander for a long time until he reached a city. Tall skyscrapers all around and his eyes caught a couple in love, he felt happy.As the husband and wife exchanged pleasantries and left for their work , he followed the man only to catch him red handed meeting his girlfriend, an extra martial affair? How can he betray his wife. Mars heart poured into tears for his wife and anguish for her husband.
Tired, he sat down near a bridge when he heard a large crowd screaming. MARS evasdropped only to know a man was trying to commit suicide because his only son had abodoned him and he had no reason to live. MARS heart shattered at the plight of the old man.
As he walked past the lane he saw a girl crying on his mom's lap, " No one will marry me, the scars define my beauty to this world , they don't love me for my soul, heart and for my virtues but for my exterior beauty which will fade away with time".
The words of the young maiden just rejected for a marriage proposal , unveiled the thoughts for MARS, he immediately went back to heaven while all were watching his tour from the Mansion.
Surya Dev, I have realized my folly please give back Venus its power and Make me Mars again. I don't know how Venus deals with heartbreaks each time and still make a heart love, how he can let an abodoned parent still care for his son than his own life, how can he deal with the pressure of his beauty being weighed each time in the pleasure of humans barometer. I want my Mars life back.
Sun smiled at Mars and said " Dear Mangal, you are not an obstacle in anyone's life , you signify passion , desire and courage. You wanted to spread love but you didn't recognize the biggest love story is only created with you and venus, you add passion to Venus love, you are the courage with whose help Venus strives to give back love again , you are the desire which fuels the Venus to expand its horizons and dream.You both are unique in your ways.Hence whenever a true love story is written it will always be when you both balance in human relations.
Mars and Venus together recreate a love story!All the planets cheered in for the love bonding and everyone was happy of their powers.So Mars became Mars and Venus was returned the throne of Venus.
Men are from Mars, Women from Venus. Together they create a love story, will you join us?
Contest Day 5: Favourite Mythological Character, Fanfiction