+ve And -ve = Neutral Life

+ve And -ve = Neutral Life

4 mins

Positives and Negatives makes a neutral - LIFE 

Since the barbarian civilization, LIFE has always been considered to be something that we have to build up by joining numerous pieces of its own elements. These elements are emotions, feelings, thoughts, coexistence, survival, responsibilities, etc.

Today's piece on LIFE is really important, cause it may give you a very clear idea of how I consider LIFE as a complex puzzle that has an incomplete shape. And we all living beings are having their own complex puzzle with an incomplete shape. Here the incompleteness in the shape of the puzzle means that all pieces are there but not in an organised way. You will also come to know about an insane belief that I have about LIFE - this complex puzzle can be given infinite shapes!

I consider my LIFE, and to some point everybody's LIFE, as an unending roller coaster ride. Please don't consider exceptional cases that were born with a silver spoon. Now, this roller-coaster ride has too many different slopes, and when it gets over you have overcome every kind of highs and lows. As you move forward in this roller-coaster ride, you know it even before it was started that you are going to face huge ups and downs on after another. At many points, you are literally stuck in the air upside down, with only one support which is the seatbelt. But you still want to take the risk! You are stepping into it letting the fear be right there next to you! Here, an important element is used by us to stick to the ride and take the risk - +veFear. (Either knowingly and in most of the cases unknowingly). This is a shape that we are giving to a particular phase of our LIFE. Now, the same condition could totally be inverse when a -ve Fear is used as an element. Such Fears are usually Fear of losing everything that you have in your possession - like money, property, and other materialistic things. Here, Fear is an Emotion - an element of life that can be positive and negative at the same time. And just like Fear, different emotions work exactly in the same way. And just like different emotions the other elements also work in the exact same way as Emotion does. Interestingly, all these elements have different roles but the same path. The path is - a neutral material that makes all these elements made up of even numbers of -ves and +ves. The shape that we are giving makes a puzzle that will combine with many other shapes, which will finally, make a whole complete puzzle - LIFE. This shape is a combination of too many small shapes made up of elements in their dual nature.

I know it is very complicated to understand all those shapes, elements, puzzle and other things mentioned in the above passage. But, if you understand it fully then you will come to know that LIFE - is a path and destination both. You decide your path and your path will decide your destination. You decide your destination and your path will be decided by your destination. And here comes the most important figure - We all living beings. We are completely our CHOICES that we make in every second. These choices give shape to every small puzzle, and the small puzzles combine to form the final puzzle - LIFE.

Choices that are made in the negatives produce negative shaped small puzzles and in positives vice versa. It is said that negativity and positivity were never seen or witnessed. They are just a mere assumption to make an ideal condition. Your LIFE - IS THE IDEAL CONDITION - IT IS THE DUAL FORM - BEING BOTH PATH AND DESTINATION IN ITSELF.

Scientifically, Ideal conditions are made to prove all theories. Which is again impossible to achieve in real life. Hence, this also directs our awareness towards a possibility which is that Life is a mix of small positive and negative phases always near to ideal but never in Ideal condition. Therefore, LIFE, I believe, is something that is shaped by our choices, and our choices could not be possible either completely positive OR negative either. Here the positives and negatives in life refer to bad and good times; which again shows that bad and good times can not be achieved, but they can be combined to produce a condition that is almost similar to the ideal condition i.e. neutral. The same neutrality teaches us to build up our life, which is the path and destination - Happiness and Peace for eternity.

I hope you will be able to interpret what is written above. Please forgive me for any mistakes.

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