Truth Of Our Existence

Truth Of Our Existence

5 mins


                        Blackly mystery

Background- Rin chin, a sweet little girl found a sound catcher which could catch scattered sounds within our environment. All sounds remain in the atmosphere, it is our limitation that we are not able to listen to them but sound catcher has the ability to reproduce these vanished stories.  Rin chin started it and listened to its first story “Why ocean is salty”.

Rin chin started playing with sound catcher, she innocently pressed the backward button and did not know how to stop it, even though she tried a lot, yet an old story started –

Our super galaxy named “Blackly way” went through a phase of evolution. There they created super dynamic civilization. They consumed all minerals and others such resources from their planet named Super earth. They developed machines which used energy from other celestial bodies. They had super brain and they used it to the maximum. They succeeded in finding the way about how to survive on other planet. In spite of charismatic capabilities, they had one problem. They could survive on suitable planets of other galaxies but their brain would work differently on that planet. They will need to redevelop all their advanced uses of brain on that planet.

Once they wished to elect their government, their electoral committee elected three teams and ruled - All participants would not get any help from their mother planet that was Super earth of Blackly way . They had to survive on the planet which was randomly selected and within one year all three team reached basic level of development - using all resources of their planet. They all were equipped with language tool, on the basis which they could invent new language suited for that planet. The other galaxy was chosen where these three team would go –Milky way. Three planets were Saturn, Jupiter and Earth.

First team reached on Saturn, as the basic behaviour of their species, they could not use their brain as before but they struggled and got success up to a certain level. Bu then other celestial bodies abruptly attacked and ruined their work. They developed again and yet again some other celestial body stroked the Saturn and demolished everything - only saved their existence. Here time was moving as per surrounding feasible laws. They were fed up with their efforts getting attacked upon and wasted, hence they created a trick this time. They developed life process in the core of the planet and surrounded Saturn rings of gases to protect the planet. They could finally save the life but lost the way to return to their planet. They did not think that those rings would become stronger and that they themselves would not be able to find the way to come out.

Second team reached on Jupiter. They created near advanced civilization and utilised all the energy resources of the Jupiter. They b

egan to develop exponentially and tried to utilize other energy resources from their vicinity. Initially they got success, they should have reached their planet and be a part of the process. But they were into the booze of development and in so much hurry that they diverted from their basics and ignored their success hymn. They favoured their assumptions and launched such machinery which was supposed to drag energy from nearby energy resources. But it was only an assumption and not scientifically, hence they committed a blunder and did not have chance to correct it. All of a sudden, lot of energy came from their surroundings and they could not save themselves. Energy flow continued until Jupiter became largest planet of their solar system, all gases - they were also in those gases - living or non-living ,it could not be said.

Third team reached on Earth of Milky way, Earth was so bobbled that they could not do anything on it. They found its cause - Earth's position in their solar system. They returned halfheartedly. They just left Milky way, all at once a same sized planet like earth hit the earth so hard that the surrounding was full of debris and flames. They got a life line and returned quickly and surprisingly managed to rotate the remaining half of stroked planet around the Earth. Although this part lost all its energy, but balanced the bobbled Earth. This part became Moon of the Earth and helped to create weather, suitable temperature, tidal forces that enabled this Bizarre planet Earth to be full of life. The third team witnessed this and started developing this planet. They evolved slowly because their brain could not process properly but they hoped to use their brain more meaningfully. They surprisingly moved with a very slow speed towards their mission using all energy resources of their planet within one year of Blackly.

Unfortunately due to rule of Blackly they could not get support from Blackly. This team developed emotions, relations and above all religion. They felt that all these things will help them to soon utilize all energy resources. They tried and tried to enhance their brain power but all in vain, they still hoped that they would get success one day to improve their brain by using it at its maximum. They would try to continue to evolve and develop civilization. They became so scattered and diverse that they were getting harmed from their tool which they developed for under performing brain- Religion.

Now they almost forgot their aim and year to be completed. They forgot that they had nothing to do on this earth and would return to Super earth. Milky way was their experimental lab only, but they realised this before time.


Whether Saturn team found any miracle and paved the way for success or whether Jupiter team was still in the competition,and moreover whether Earth team will overcome all hindrances and became super dynamic civilization by using all its energy resources. For all these answer wait for next story of sound catcher.


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