Abstract Horror Others



Abstract Horror Others



4 mins

Our life is usually free from extraordinary thrills. It runs on a monotonous groove of routine. But now and then something happens that startles us. It may spell danger or arouse laughter. It may be a hair-breadth escape or a glorious adventure, or only a flash of novelty in a drab world of commonplace things. But whatever it is, it gives us a moment of real excitement. And it lives in the memory; we recall it now and again and relate it in later years to arouse the astonishment or admiration of our listeners.

Such an incident happened in my life, and quite unexpectedly. It brought me into the limelight for a brief while, but the memory of it will remain forever. If you analyze it philosophically, it was of course nothing much. But for me, it was joy indeed; perhaps because Jagdip had never tasted popular applause before; perhaps because it satisfied an inner desire for it that he had, all unknown to me, hidden in his mind. It may seem to you that he is making a mountain of a molehill. But let me say as his excuse that to a pigmy a mole-hill, after all, is a mountain. However, let me describe it without further beating about the bush.

The incident took place, believe it or not, on the playground. He was something of a football player, but he had never been a good player, far less a great player. He played for the mere physical joy that he got out of the game, never for victory. The result was that, though he had plenty of energy and enthusiasm, he was never picked for his college team. Let him confess candidly that this was only because there was another player in the same position who happened to be much better than me. He considered himself the better sportsman, but he was certainly the greater player. And in competitive matches, that counts. So he never grumbled or complained. Did not Milton say, ‘they also serve who only stand and wait’? There was nothing for it but to

bide his time.

And at last, his waiting was rewarded. It was for him the day of all days. Our team had shot up into the final and was meeting its rival. Our star player sent word at the last moment that he was ill and could not take the field. Imagine the consternation in the college camp! They thought that the game was as good as losing, and so also, he confess, did he. For this player was our trump card: that is what everybody always said. However, something had to be done, and that something had to be - Himself! The captain called him up almost apologetically for having failed to recognize his greatness before, and – there he was, kit and all, on the playground, greeted by the cheers of his friends, and a few jeers from those who had little faith in my prowess 

He can tell you that he played as one inspired. He was here, there, and everywhere, - now leading the attack, now falling back to help the defense. It was indeed a thrilling moment in his life. For a time, he was the center of all attention, the object of universal applause. And it was he who put in the winning goal. Suddenly one of the wingmen sent in a perfect center and the ball landed almost at his feet. It begged to be banged into the goal, - and bang it he did, straight past the goal-keeper into the far corner of the net. It marked the climax of a glorious day. A whirl of applause Eddie’s round and round the field. Those who came to scoff now remained to pray. He was the hero, the savior of his side in a crisis. He enjoyed his popularity while it lasted, and even now he looks back on the episode with unmixed pleasure and satisfaction.

Perhaps you are smiling at all this. Perhaps you had expected me to tell you of a big-game hunt, or a spectacular act of rescue, or some such equally heroic deed. But I assure you that the greatest thrill is often to be got out of commonplace incidents.

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