Divyanshi Dwivedi

Drama Crime


Divyanshi Dwivedi

Drama Crime

They Were Not My Parents

They Were Not My Parents

2 mins

Hi I'm your all-time Divyanshi. Today we all suffer through a very dangerous pandemic COVID-19, and also our country is under lockdown and we don't know what to do during this time. So come with me, read and imagine my new story which is submitted by my Snapchat follower who doesn't want to tell or show her name and she lives in Folks U.S.A.

Hi, this happened to my BFF Mayan. She was very happy in her life. But, one day a new man shifted in her neighborhood. First, she thought that he was a nice guy, but after sometimes she realised that the man just grabbed a lot of attention towards her.

She didn't take it seriously but after some, she perceived that the man was following her. He used to ask her about, if she used any social media apps, and when she used

to refuse to his question he used to say no you are lying every time, and take pictures of her.

She was clear-cut that she was going to take look inside his room one night and that night she saw that the man was having her pic from where ever she goes; not only her he had pictures of other girls too. Then she decided that she is going to tell her parents about this and the police too.

but the following day when she woke up she heard police sirens. When she went outside she saw police arresting her parents. She desperately asked the policemen what have they did. The man who she was going to complain against told her that they were not her parents. But, actually, she was kidnaped 14 years ago.

Thanks to my friend and follower and I feel sorry for Mayan.

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