There Will Be Tomorrow
There Will Be Tomorrow
Historically pandemics have forced humans to break with the past and imagine their world anew this one is no different.
The way multilateralism operates will have to change to reflect this very different world. The COVID 19 pandemics have been testing the limits of global cooperation. The world post-COVID 19 should be more sustainable and inclusive many countries around the world are suffering politically, socially, and economically due to COVID 19. Business is dying across the globe leading to emergence in poverty worldwide. Global trends suggest that it would be tough to return to the situation as were pre COVID 19.
We are facing an enemy we don’t completely understand which we are unequipped for. Worldwide aaa, an an an ann aa a medical emergency is caused due to this virus. Losing jobs, trembling business, dying industries are emerging attributes worldwide. Countries across the world are suffering due to a lack of medical infrastructure and unpreparedness to deal with this kind of pandemics.
The UN framework for the immediate socio-economic response to the COVID -19 crisis warns that the COVID 19 pandemics is far more than a health crisis. Its affecting societies and economies at their core.
While the impact of the pandemic will vary from country to country. It will most likely increase poverty and inequalities on a global scale.
Analyzing the impact of COVID 19 on the societies, economies and vulnerable groups is fundamental to inform and tailor the response of government and partners to recovers from the crisis and ensure that no one is left behind.
COVID 19 will leave a long-lasting impact on the countries on the micro as well as macro-level causing a deep and everlasting transformation on the way of operating and functioning. Testing of COVID 19 on large the scale will become part and parcel of life. RTherrequirement off large scale funding and development of infrastructure for the development of a vaccine for COVID 19 is the need of the hour.
Many countries are adopting the version of Germany’s “kurzabeit” strategy during the pandemic. This policy keeps workers employed at reduced hours and reduced pay with the government compensating some of the shortfall swages. By keeping matches between firms and workers intact the economy is better prepared for a quick recovery. It's important to improve the implementation of these policies and make them a permanent part of our recovery toolkit as rightly observed by Professor Sergio Rebello of Kellogg school of management. Remote work is likely to become more common. We had some evidence that working from home is at least as productive as working at the office. However many companies were reluctant to embrace remote work. Now they also have adopted it and this trend is likely to remain for long.
Professor Sergio Rebello in a report published by the International Monetary fund has also observed that the pandemic crisis has accelerated the pace of digital transformation with further expansion in E-commerce and an increase in the pace of adoption of telemedicine, videoconferencing, online teaching, and fintech.
Companies with international supply chains are dealing with shortages and bottlenecks. Weare likely to see many of those companies restore some of there production. Unfortunately, this trend will not create many jobs because most of the production is automated. The government will be bigger after playing the role of insurer and investor of last resort during the crisis. Public debt will balloon creating financial
challenges around the world.
The most important lesson from COVID 19 pandemics is the importance of working together on problems that affect the entire human race. We are much stronger united than divided.
The key to recover economies globally is public investment in the care of economies. Wage policies, collective bargaining, and labor market regulations can revive demand and income and will help the country to get back on its feet.
Around the world governments that had appeared to tame the COVID 19 virus are adjusting to the reality that the disease is here to stay. But in a shift away from damaging nationwide lockdowns they are looking for targeted ways to find the manner in which outbreaks can be stopped.
While the details differ, the strategies call for giving government flexibility to tighten and ease as needed. They require some mix of intensive testing and monitoring, lightning-fast response time by the authorities close management, and awareness of citizens regarding the result of human contact.
At this time even the most economically endowed countries are fighting tough battles to overcome the crisis caused due to this pandemic and this situation is here to stay with us for a long till vaccine is found
The South Korean government has added new guidelines as it has learned about the outbreaks. I advise companies to have employees sit in a zig-zag fashion. Air conditioners should be turned off every two hours and windows should be open to increasing ventilation, it discourages sitting close to each other anywhere in a public place.
Japan is considering to allow travelers from Australia, New Zealand, and Thailand. Railway operators in Japan have launched an app and website telling commuters how crowded the trains are at any given time.
Some countries like China are learning to ease back from there more draconian methods. The Chinese the government virtually isolated tens of millions of people in the city of Wuhan and surrounding Hubei
province when the outbreak began.
Mindful of the economic damage Chinese leaders have adopted looser restrictions. In Beijing, temperature screening is less widespread as compared to other countries.
European governments are also learning to be more flexible following their strong responses through the process can be slow. In Germany, officials have stipulated that regions or municipalities that register more than 50 new infections per 100000 people in 7 days must quickly respond to quell the outbreak using tools like school closing, full quarantine, and mass testing.
England is exploring limited tailor-made shutdowns around clusters of infections but local officials warn that the system is full of potential holes.
The United States is undergoing an unprecedented domestic crisis in confronting and controlling the spread of COVID 19. Faced with both a public health crisis and significant economic disruptions, the country has enhanced its spending on infrastructure to battle with the crisis situation.
COVID 19 has exposed the Achilles heel's need of global health. While there has been an incredible achievement in global health over the last 30 years, those gains are fragile and the resilience of the system may break under the onslaught of a pandemic like COVID 19.
There will be a need for a holistic approach to migrate the considerable economic disruption that will inevitably be caused by COVID 19. This will include continued support for food security, economic growth, governance, and the rule of law and other vital areas that contribute to advancing the development priorities. Coordination amongst multilateral development banks, development finance institutions, civil societies, and private sector areas will be essential to bolster economic growth.
COVID 19 is an unprecedented humanitarian challenge for all countries. Many weeks of initial national the lockdown has given India the time to make a concerted effort to flatten the pandemic curve and since then we are following the pattern. In the past few months, India's economy has functioned to less than half of its potential. This pattern is not sustainable in the longer term, how quickly Indian business and the service sector will adapt to new lives will reflect the growth of the Indian economy in times to come. Effective infrastructure and medical preparedness will be critical in deciding India’s fate in these tough times.
In times to come supply chains demand centers and labor corridors have to be restored while the country ensures that lockdowns are sharply targeted in the locations and for the activities required to contain the virus.
Many sectors including manufacturing and construction are heavily dependent on labors and around 40-50% of labors around the country are migrants from other states. Bottlenecks in the return of the migrants would affect building activity in such sectors. The dominant concern at states and local level are infection and mortality rate indicators that tragically affects communities and are counted daily or even hourly. Economic consequences of lockdown such as job loss and poverty show up over weeks and months. The state government is naturally considering their healthcare capacity levels, virus screening, tracing and containment resources and ability to enforce safe work protocols on the ground with these factors coming to play, many significant changes can be witnessed in Indian economies in times to come. Eventually, economic activities may rise going forward although reaching full potential would require considerable effort to boost local confidence in large swathes the region To enable the economy to reopen sustainably; India needs to take into consideration local health preparedness and strengthening coordination and communication among government and other keys sectors. Also planning ahead of time will be vital to prepare the country to be ready for all sorts and eventuality.
Another important aspect is to work on decongestion measures. As we know that much of infection is spreading within dense clusters. Such a matrix would indicate vulnerable areas and the limit to the reduction in contact rate through policing. Here decongestion measures such as out-migration may be required.
Monitoring and preventing the transmission of Covid-19 at the local level is a must. Village and towns should be prepared to meet the disease is an important objective. One most important aspect of is preparedness in terms of availability of beds, doctors, and ambulance.
According to me following are the ways in which different sectors will be affected post-COVID -19 Education system post-COVID 19 – Distance education traditionally the less prepared sibling of the regular system has moved mainstream in its tech-avatar. The new normal will be several more unanticipated invasions.
While education shifts from class to online, students with uneven access to technology, learning resources, internet activity, and lacking in suitable space will be disproportionately affected. A new paradigm that includes asynchronous learning as a digital framework can provide diverse learners with flexible access to study material and connect them with classmates and instructors at their preferred pace and time. This will need a range of online resources. Agile and imaginative leadership must harness its potential drawing on the experience of the open university.
The current structure of education is attempting to prepare students for the future that we cannot predict given the pace of change. We are unable to accurately ascertain what new skills can now be learned for the jobs of tomorrow. The ability to constantly learn and relearn will be key to navigate a maze of the future.
Healthcare sector post-COVID 19- Emergence of cost-effective models of healthcare with the participatory patient-doctor relationship. The role of mobile or e-healthcare has skyrocketed in the last few weeks s
surrogates for actual care at hospitals or clinics. The need for digitized medical care cannot be overemphasized the backdrop of fact that hospitals and their medical staff are emerging as hotspots for
COVID infections and are likely to act as a super spreader. Hence hospitals and medical care centers are no longer the safest niches for persons with routine sickness and people are instead voluntarily opting for telecare through their mobile phones. COVID 19 has clearly proven that more than 80 % of or population just need a sound public healthcare system that will be taken care of in the coming future.
Lifestyle post-COVID-19 –With the widespread practice of handwashing which has now emerged as the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the globally cherished pastime of the human race, it can play a protective role against the growth of bacterial infections during ongoing pandemics are likely to become a habit and a ritual eventually. The present emphasis on the use of warm and hot water for repeated drinking will also be along with the lasting ritual Pre COVID 19 people had no time for their family and loved ones, going to lawns and parks was along with forgotten thing but a long period of lockdown have brought family close enough and with restrictions on movement, spending time in lawn and balcony was the cherished practice in the time of lockdown. Pre COVID 19 party culture was also cut down which in turn compelled people to enjoy freshly prepared healthy home food causing the nutrition level to raise is also here to stay for long as people are still reluctant to consume outside food.
Tourism post-COVID-19- Tourism is one of the most badly hit sectors due to pandemics it has affected the sector both in terms of revenue and jobs. The sector has to be rebooted at earliest. The stimulus, the package announced by the government is bound to have a positive impact on the overall revival of the sector. The aim should be to make the destination safe. There is a need to innovate, organize, and pioneer, and the better business model in tourism also for the purpose of safety social distancing is a must.
Sports post Covid-19- A major impact of the pandemic is that the sports industry will be deploying digital tools significantly sooner than if time had taken its own course. Most events will take place behind a closed-door,s, for now, which means that there will be no live audience and viewing will happen from the home itself so eventually, there will be a need to focus on 360-degree experience features to enhance the viewing experience. New innovations are required to keep the interest of a large number in focus.
Construction and other manufacturing sector post-COVID-19- The pandemic could see a brighter future for cutting edge technology in the construction industry and manufacturing sector such as drone technology, augmented reality tour, virtual reality tools getting prevalent. The technologies actively encourage health and safety in the industry whilst helping employees meet social distancing requirements. The construction site of the future is set to be almost fully automated with the use of robots and drones.
In manufacturing sectors also India's role will be emerging as many companies are focussing on shifting the base from China to India.
India Post COVID -19- In recent past weeks Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emphasized on being Atmanirbhar Bharat, it's about leveraging internal strengths, personal responsibilities and a sense of national mission it's about decentralized localism that takes pride in local brands emphasizes the resilience and flexibility and encourages local capacity building and indigenization.
The recently announced liberalization of the agriculture sector is a good illustration of this a broad view and its economic implications. Since the 1950 Indian agriculture policy has been driven by two sets of laws- The essential Commodities Act (ECA) and the state level agricultural produce marketing committee Act(APMC). Together these draconian laws gave government officials the power to tell farmers were to sell their produce, restrict transportation, fix prices confiscate stocks, and even imprison so-called hoarders. The system was not only unfair to the farmer but also it did not even stabilize food prices.
The scrapping of the ECA-APMC system enables localized decision making by farmers even as they can participate in a national common market or export to the global.
Similarly, traders can now invest in supply chains and agribusiness without the fear of being arbitrarily labeled hoarders by an Inspector. The government still has a role but its an enabler providing soft and hard infrastructure.
The same economic policy is reflected in several other supply-side measures announced recently. Self-reliance implies that the product and factor market is made flexible in order to allow the Indian economy to adapt to the problems and opportunities of an emerging post-COVID 19 world. Thus there is an unapologetic commitment to the privatization of non-strategic public sector entities, opening up of new sectors like space to private investment, decriminalization of most aspects of corporate laws, greater flexibility in labor laws and so on.
Self-reliance also means the commitment to resilience at multiple level-at national levels, art industry level, and at an individual level.
The same idea of resilience when applied to individuals and vulnerable social groups calls for the creation of safety nets.
A decentralized system where economic entities are expected to be self-reliant requires a generalized system of social trust and the ability to enforce the contract. In turn, it implies a need to carry out administrative reforms and more specifically reform of the legal system.