The Social Media Fantasy
The Social Media Fantasy

The Social Media Fantasy
So yesterday I spoke about how social media made it way too comfortable to disrespect people and get away with it. Today I want to talk about how social media is mostly fantasy. We see people every day posting on social media about their wonderful lives. They have the best clothes, designer bags, red bottom shoes. They live in big homes, have fancy cars, and go on luxury trips. Many of them are flashing big stacks of money in our faces.
But life is not always as it seems to be.
If we are not careful we will compare our reality to someone else's fiction. And the measuring stick we are using is not even real.
Read that again!
When will we stop putting these “influencers” on pedestals? When will we be okay with ourselves and what we have? When will peace be worth more than things?
Look I get it, I grew up poor, and I wanted the good life.
I ended up selling my soul for that life. I stayed in a verbally abusive marriage for 24 years. Yes, I had the house, the cars, the toys, the vacations, and the six-figure income. Everyone thought I had the perfect life yet I cried myself to sleep every night, miserable.
Money doesn't make you happy. Yet social media tells you it does.
When honestly, do we know how many of these “influencers” have bill collectors at their door? How many of them are fronting how happy they are for the cameras? How many of these lives are fake? How many takes does it take for them to portray this perfect shot?
We don't know because they are only showing
us what they want us to see. The final edited version of their "perfect”
Please remember that not everything is what it seems.
In writing my blog I am always honest, I tell it like it is. I fail, I fall down. I do stupid shit. This is real life, and come on people, not everyone has a perfect life. Look, if you're the one in a billion that does, good for you but the rest of us are just trying to make it through the shit storm of life.
It's no wonder this last generation has self-esteem issues. In the dinosaur days, we only had to look at magazines and for most of us who couldn't afford them it was once a week at the grocery store checkout line or on TV. It wasn't an every second bombarding of "perfect” people. It wasn't trolls making fun of us “normal” people, putting people down, or just being that frigging cruel. We had one bully to deal with at school, today they have millions of bullies to deal with every second of the day. And then we wonder why these last two generations are so screwed up.
So today my friends remember not everything is what it seems. These “influencers” are lying to you and probably to themselves as well. They lie about products they use just to get paid for them, and they lie about their perfect lives, they are not perfect. No one is! So when will we start getting real? When will we be brave enough to say I have flaws, I fall down, I am so not perfect, like I do every time I write this blog? Step out past your fears, be real, and allow yourself to be not perfect, trust me it feels amazing to live in your truth.
“Be the change you want to see”