The Run Has Begun

The Run Has Begun

4 mins

I had just received the bill after a lovely dinner date, when I notice that the waiter has scribbled a message at the bottom of it. It reads, "RUN!"

"What’s the matter?" my date asked.

Waiter had actioned me to remain calm and not reveal any further details with my date as he suspected that she was someone not to be trusted. I calmed my date down and went to the washroom to buy some time to think. I could notice that she was following me with her eyes as if she didn’t want to lose even a sight of me. I found it strange and lustful at the same time.

I took me a hit to make myself understand that woman I am with could be dangerous. Her intentions were still unknown to me and the waiter who warned me was nowhere to be seen. I was in a complete dilemma if I was to trust the waiter or the woman I am with. Although, it was the first time I was meeting her. It was a scheduled blind date. I had to go back to have my phone as I had left it on the dining table. Kiara was anxious. She asked me if everything was okay and I told her that everything was fine and tried to comfort her.

I tried to do a background check on Kiara to know more about her and I found that there have been some criminal records against her. Those cases were more of burglary and pickpocketing. I had nothing to be scared of, I was a pauper myself. But, what Kiara wasn’t aware was of my true state. I had faked my identity to get a date and now it has landed my in a trouble.

I didn’t know that apps likes Tinder could match me up with criminals. I decided that I confess my identity to Kiara so that she lets me go. I made a careful move to not reveal it to her that I was vary of the fact she was a criminal.

I said to her, "Sorry Kiara. I need to tell you something important. I don’t want any secrets between us. It is essential for you to know that I am not what you think. I am a simple pharmacist in a small medical store. I am not as rich as you think."

Kiara replied, "Yes Rishi, I am aware you aren’t as rich as you posed to be. I did a background check on you."

*I was shocked. I stood still in wonder as it was hard to accept what I just heard *

She continued, "And... I have a confession to make too. I also faked my identity. I am not what I told you. I am a professional thief. I scheduled this date to cut a deal with you. I want you to partner with me to smuggle medicines."

*Both of us had blank faces.*

I didn’t know what to say. I wasn’t sure how she would react if I disagreed to her ask. But, I took a stab and told her with gathered courage, "Kiara, I am not sure I’d work with you this way. I was in hopes to find love and I am not involving myself in any kind of crime. Let me go!"

She just walked away calmly. I was quite taken aback that she didn’t revolt. I could understand that circumstances would have made her what she is now....if given a chance, she’d be a better human. I kept an eye on her from then on. She resorted to her old methods as expected. I wanted to bring some change into Kiara’s life. I tried to find out more on her qualifications and background. Based on her areas of expertise, I searched jobs for her that would put her in position.

I made her resume and applied to all the suitable jobs on her behalf. The responses band call backs were good. Now, the time was to tell Kiara that I have been doing this for her!

I knew where Kiara stayed, I forwarded all the mails and offer letters to her address. The next week I went to pay her a visit. She hugged me and said, "Thank you for doing this, I got a job!"

I was shocked again to know that she already knew that I was working from her back. She then revealed that she came to know I was the one doing the backstage work from one of the letters which had my shipping address.

Since she happened to mend her ways I wanted to give our relationship a chance. I asked if she'd be my girlfriend and good heavens she agreed!

I was glad to bring a change in her life and she was glad that she found me. Things started taking shape after this hustle!

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