The reward of talent
The reward of talent

Once upon a time there was a girl named Zeenat. They at the morning meeting at school jan -gan-man That is, what was the national anthem then all the children were singing the national anthem. Zeenat was also singing the national anthem.A teacher came to him and said that your voice is different from all others. She felt that the teacher did not like my voice. A month later, her father realized that he also had to pay for his daughter's school fees. His school fees were eight hundred rupees. His father was very poor. He knew that his father had n
o money. A few weeks later, there was a singing competition at school. The winner's prize was a check for five thousand. The same teacher then called him and asked him to participate in this competition. At the teacher's urging, she took part. Within a week, her teacher taught her to sing. Zeenat's voice was very sweet. The principal liked his voice very much. She won. she's very happy.She paid his school fees with the money he won from the school.
He got a chance to study for free in a big school.
Author jashanpreet kaur