Agnik De

Comedy Horror


Agnik De

Comedy Horror

The Loop

The Loop

2 mins

David loved to write. He mind was clouded with words and it rained when his pen struck the paper. But that night something was troubling him. He sat with his pen, paper and ideas but was not able to write a single word. Everytime he closed his eyes a woman came in his mind, a beautiful woman with long hair. David couldn't figure out what was happening. He went to his washroom, washed his face and got back to his room.

As soon as he opened his notebook he saw an amazing portrait of the woman that was on his mind. The moment was not amazing for David at that point of moment. He got scared and searched his whole room to find who was there? Nobody, absolutely nobody was present in the room except David and the woman running on his mind. Suddenly the lights started blinking and the fan started making a weird noise. His notebook suddenly started fell from the desk. He went to pick up his notebook. There was a bang on his door.

Henry got so scared that he closed the book he was reading and got to see who was outside. Some children were playing and the football came straight and hit his door. He gave the children the ball back and closed the door. Henry loved to read but was not familiar to horror stories. This was the first story he was reading a horror story about a boy called David. He thought of going to sleep and guess who he saw in his dreams? A beautiful woman with long hair.

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