The Golden Tiger
The Golden Tiger

Swalermin turned to Rulon.
“The ring can do this, can't it?” He asked in a whisper.
"I think so, I don't know what he can do."
A fireball was fired at Rulon and missed him by a hair. The fireball was, of course, invisible. Swalvermin formed a shield of luminous glass to protect them from invisible fireballs.
Fireballs were fired at the shield from all directions.
"Let the ring handle this, my shield won't stand up to invisible fire!"
The ring slipped off Rulon's finger and turned into a golden tiger with luminous blue eyes. Swalvermin made the shield disappear.
The golden tiger roared and thunderbolts shot from his mouth. And suddenly Glasius appeared and charged the golden tiger with a sword of smoke. Glasius held up his sword and it absorbed all the thunderbolts. Swalvermin fired deadly flashes of light at Glasius and he parried everything with his sword of smoke. He disappeared again, and the golden tiger swept wildly in an attempt to severely injure Glasius. The ground split open and lava poured out. Smoke darkened the tunnel and the heat of lava was unbearable. The golden tiger spewed water and the lava was extinguished. And then the dragon came out of the crack with eyes that seemed to be of fire.
Smoke rose from his nostrils. Swalvermin jumped up to the dragon with a waving magic wand. The dragon slapped Swalvermin's tail against the wall of the tunnel and roared loudly. He wanted to kill Swalvermin, but the golden tiger intervened and knocked the dragon to the ground.
Rulon had taken cover between fallen blocks of sand. Glasius leapt towards Swalvermin with his sword of smoke, and Swalvermin sprang quickly to the side.
The dragon spewed a great blast of fire on the golden tiger. Sparks flew around. The golden tiger sprang aside and clawed at the dragon with sharp long claws. The tunnel was broken open by the fierce b
attle and Swalvermin and Rulon fled with the golden tiger on their heels. The dragon followed them.
A cloud of smoke appeared in front of them and slowly took the shape of a human. It was none other than the dark magician Glasius. The forest kept burning.
Rulon didn't know dragon fire could burn down trees so quickly. The golden tiger attacked Glasius, which turned back to smoke. Swalvermin and Rulon went to the dragon to take out the monster. The dragon was unstoppable. The monster was murderous and tried his best to kill Rulon and Swalvermin. They were all buried under burning branches and smoke prevented them from seeing anything. The fire rays of the dragon went several meters and were deadly and terribly hot. Swalvermin was burned and he tried his best to keep going because he didn't want to lose to the dragon. He didn't want to be killed by a crazy beast. Not even by the most feared dragon in the country. The golden tiger could do almost nothing against Glasius.
Vurion was sitting in a room in his castle, drinking wine. Vernyon entered the room. He was one of Vurion's guards.
Vurion looked out through an open window. Smoke rose in the distance. It was where the fight took place.
"The dragon and magician Glasius are fighting, sir," said Vernyon.
"That sounds nice. Hopefully, they managed to get hold of Rulon and the ring," said Vurion. "Send an army to reinforce them. Right now, Vernyon!"
"All right, Lord Vurion, I will obey your orders and send an army to reinforce the magician Glasius and the dragon, and I will do that right now, sir."
Vernyon bowed and left the room.
Vurion's lips curled up and his mouth opened.
"Glasius doesn't know what I'm up to". And he burst out laughing.
This is the fourth part of the magic ring serie.