The Dumb Animals
The Dumb Animals

'We, the people on this mother earth; are the most cruel species of animals created by The Almighty'- exclaimed Ms. James, a reputed young teacher at the Berners Lee Academy of Education. Now one may ask, 'Why did she say so? ' Obviously not a bad question, rather a mindful question. The answer follows:-
Ms. James Chakrabory was a 13 year old girl, when they went to her father's native place. Her father was a native Indian and his native place was a village named Sitagram. They went their at a occasion known as "Gajan". The festival was of Mahadev Shiva. The whole village was fed with Mutton at the night after the Puja was over. Now, Ms. James's father's family was the lead feeder that year (the main reason of their arrival) so they bought at least five kid (a child goat) for feeding the village. At one O'clock in the afternoon, the butchers came and began their work of cutting and shaping the meat pieces.
This very incident was perceived by Ms. James. She was playing with a goat kid last evening. That goat kid was also bought so as to finish it's lifetime and present it as a nice preparation to the guests. The goat kid shrieked and cried but no one except Ms. James could hear it. She heard it for a long time until and unless the cruel butchers killed it. She was also a witness of that cruel act. She vomited at night and had a very high fever. She couldn't sleep at night and shouted frequently at nights afterwards. She left eating or even touching meat and meat products. She kept herself locked in her room for more than two days. After that, she studied Animal Psychology and today she is a reputed young teacher at the Berners Lee Academy of Education.
Many people like Ms. James either witness or hear such incidents but a small number of people do something to change the situation, like Ms. James.