The Day I Die
The Day I Die
It will be a day of joy,
it will be a day celebrated for years,
it will be the day everyone remembers me,
It will be the day when people remember their sufferings,
It will be the day when people remember the end of their sufferings,
It will be a day the world order changes once again,
It will be a day when people realise no physical boundaries,
It will be a day when people realise that there is no need of countries,
It will be the day they try to kill me once again,
It will be a day the monster arises,
It will be a day when their real sufferings begins,
It will be a day tens of millions of people die,
It will be a day when carbon emissions by humans drop to half,
It will be a day The new Emperor arise,
It will be the beginning of the END.