Kunaall Jumani



Kunaall Jumani


The Dancing Queen

The Dancing Queen

7 mins

I believe there is a certain special talent or ability or quality in each one of us. I believe that the Creator has designed each one of us to be unique; different from the rest in at least one way. Yes, none of us are born aware of that unique bit of us, however someday it does show up on its own and is important for us to recognize it and harness it to make complete use of it.

In the mid 80’s, in the heart of Kerala, a very beautiful baby girl was born into a very rich industrial family. Born with a silver spoon, she was bound to get all the perks of a wealthy family. However, her father, Venkat was very disheartened when he got the news. No thought was given towards her upbringing. He was only seeking an heir to his empire. The Mother, Manjula, however, was very happy and took up the entire responsibility of bringing up their girl. She knew very well that someday this little girl would grow up to be a woman who would be capable of melting down her father’s heart to loving and respecting people.

Unlike children of rich families, this kid, named Renu wasn’t given the perks or royal treatment. Still, she was happy; probably preferring to lead a simple life. Renu was a very obedient and well-behaved child. She would listen to everything that her mother told her. Manjula took care of Renu’s every single need to the best of her ability. Venkat hardly gave her anytime. He kept saying he was busy with managing the Empire.

Renu’s parents were considering planning another baby, but nothing seemed to materialize. After visiting the doctor, they got to know that they can’t have another baby. The husband was very upset that he wouldn’t get a son. He started getting angry for silly reasons at home with his wife and daughter. This really affected Renu mentally. Renu joined kindergarten school and started showing average results in class all through kindergarten. The teacher had called for Manjula to understand the situation. The teacher then gave a suggestion to Manjula for Renu to join a certain class conducted at the school beyond regular school hours. Manjula agreed and made her join the dance class. This was to help her divert her mind from the situations at home. Venkat too granted permission, on the condition that Renu also gives adequate time to her education. Renu’s 1st performance was in her First Grade during the school Annual Day function. Nervous at first, her dance teacher, Radha gave her a pep talk and told her to have complete focus only on her dance and forget everything else. Renu did just that and was applauded for the mesmerizing performance. She ran to her mother and gave her a really tight hug. Since then, there was no looking back. Manjula was determined to make Renu do what she loved, dancing.

They came home and told Venkat about the Annual Day and Renu’s performance. Venkat, not noticing the talent, yelled at her and told her to improve her grades and focus on studies. Renu was really disheartened but assured her father that she will improve her grades. After a few days, post dance rehearsals, Renu managed to get some time to sit with Radha Ma’am. She narrated her family situation as she began to feel comfortable in talking to her guru about it. On listening to everything, Radha went into deep thought not realizing Renu was still around, she started thinking about solutions to the problem. Radha told Renu to go back home and rest while she would think of a way to help her out. Years passed, and things were the same. School to dance class to home, that was Renu's daily routine. Radha had tried several times to talk to Venkat, but he would never be available to meet her. Renu grew up to be one of the finest performers of the art in Kerala. The scho

ol had made her so famous that people would come from all over the state just to see her perform for that one hour of stage time that Radha Ma'am gave her.

Radha was waiting for the right moment, probably Renu's last Annual Day was on her mind. She told Manjula that she wanted to stage a play around Renu's life. Initially reluctant, Manjula eventually gave in to Radha. With all the zeal she could put into the idea, she already started preparing all the school students who were in her dance class. Renu was unaware of the whole situation and was told to prepare for her usual one-hour stage time even for the Annual Day. Radha had arranged for Venkat to be the Guest of Honor through the Principal.

Annual Day had come and to the surprise of all, the school had not at all been decorated, it seemed like any other day. Renu had entered school and was wondering what had happened. She went up to Radha Ma'am and asked her about it. Radha Ma'am told her not to worry and just focus on her performance. All preparations were done, Venkat had reached, all assembled in the auditorium and the program was about to begin. Radha Ma'am had taken centre stage and started off the program after the prayer by saying," I believe there is a certain special talent or ability or quality in each one of us. I believe that the Creator has designed each one of us to be unique; different from the rest in at least one way. Today, we are going to showcase the life of one such individual." and then started off the play.

Radha, with the support of Manjula, had pulled off the key glimpses of Renu's life with such splendor that it didn't take Venkat too long to understand who the play was about. He began to feel that he had made a mistake by not being a good Father, however he was still putting on the "I am right" look because Renu was not to be seen anywhere till the end of the play. The play lasted 20 Minutes and moved the entire audience off their seats for a standing ovation. Radha walked up to the stage and thanked everyone with a note. "Every individual comes to Earth with their own fate, it's all written yet we don't know what is going to happen next. We must lead our lives to the extent that we are happy, only then can we make others around us happy. I am going to leave the stage now to one person who has made me the proudest Guru, because she did what made her happy and in turn made us all happy to watch her." Little did Venkat know what was going to happen next.

Renu came on stage unaware that her father was the guest of honor. She was welcomed with a thunderous round of applause which completely shocked Venkat. She bowed to the audience, touched the floor and gave her performance. She was so lost into her dance that she didn't notice her father was in the first row right in front of her. Venkat couldn't believe what he was seeing. Yes, this was the first time he was seeing his daughter perform. Slowly, he was moved to tears and tried to hide his face with the guilt of his past behavior. After the performance was done and the auditorium lights turned on, Renu saw her father right in front of her with red eyes and a face bent down in shame. He went up to her on stage and hugged her so tight that pleaded for forgiveness.

Since then, Venkat was a changed person. He encouraged Renu to dance and never did he talk about her education or any other matter. Both the parents went with her wherever she performed. Today, Renu is among the best classical dancers in India and performs all over the world. Yes, her special talent did move many people including her own father. Recognize what your talent is, nurture it, make it grown and it will make you shine like the brightest star.

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