Dr.Milind Tapodhan



Dr.Milind Tapodhan


The Accident

The Accident

4 mins

Dr.Mehta came out of the operation theater with a sorrowful look. He announced that he was sorry that he couldn’t save Ashka. On hearing this bad news, Mihir felt his world shattered. His eyes flowed over with tears, and he just ran and ran to his house. He went into the house and shut down the door. No one was at home so he went straight to his room and began to cry. His room was full of Ashka’s photographs and happy memories of their relationship. He began to realize that his rash driving became the reason for the death of Ashka and he couldn’t forgive himself.

He wept for almost an hour. Suddenly, he felt a cold touch on his back and heard a whisper, "Mihir, please stop weeping." Scattered to death, he began to shiver. He got up and saw that Ashka was there. Mihir shouted with fear. He realized she was no longer a human being. Her skin was pale and she was hovering just a few inches above the ground. He couldn't stop getting afraid. He shouted, "You're dead, you can't be here. I loved you but don't haunt me, please." She was calm and answered, "I want to speak to you." Mihir wasn't prepared for any conversation and he started to open the door to run away. She seemed a little troubled and with a swift movement of her eyes, she locked the door.

Mihir started to feel terrified, he uttered with panic, "I knew I wasn't supposed to drive carelessly. Because of the accident, you are dead. I know it's my fault, but I didn't do it intentionally. I loved you and your memories will always be with me. I'm not going to marry any other girl, I swear. Let me go, please."


She tried to interrupt but he started screaming more and more. She started to feel impatient, and it could be seen on her pale face. She lost her temper and blew down all the room's windows, shouting loudly, "Will you care to hear me once?" Mihir got more afraid and he thought that she had come to take vengeance. He tried to remember the Shloka and the prayer that kept away the ghosts, but he couldn't recall anything.

She went close to him and her looks made her more frightening. The blood was still on her face and she had the bloody pattern in

her white dress. He also noticed the pierced piece of glass on her right hand. Thousands of thoughts had begun to come to his mind that his end was close and that he would be murdered by his own girlfriend's ghost whom he loved more than anyone else. He was shivering, but she overlooked all that. She went close to him and said, "Just for a minute, listen to me. I'm not here to kill you or take revenge. I just want to tell you something very important." Mihir was confused now. He couldn't decide what he was supposed to feel, fear or confusion.

He asked with a shivering voice, "What do you want to say?" She answered calmly, "You need to trust me and we should first go back to the hospital. Trust me; just hold my hand for a minute."

Mihir hesitated, but after a while, he gathered the courage and did what she asked. And in a minute, they were at the hospital. She took her to the morgue and advised him to uncover a dead body lying there. He didn't understand why he was supposed to see his girlfriend's dead body, but still, he followed and removed the white cloth. It left him broken and completely blank, he was unable to move his feet or speak anything. He began to realize what she wanted to say to him. He started to observe himself and found that he had the same scars and the blood marks on his pale body too. He was flying a few inches above the floor as well. Mihir realized that the dead body lying there was no one else’s but his own. He too did not survive in that accident. He had also become a ghost as Ashka.

Ashka told calmly, “Accept the truth that we are not a part of this earth. We should move to the place where we belong.” Mihir hesitated a little and said, “But what about our families?” Ashka replied, “It will be taken care by the almighty and our death is the part of the God’s plan, let’s surrender to him and enjoy our togetherness for now.”Mihir thought and understood that every word spoken by Ashka was the real truth, a white light emerged from heaven, and both of them suddenly began to feel fulfillment and inner peace. Holding hands, Mihir and Ashka both laughed and surrendered to the almighty.

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