Swarnim Agrawal



Swarnim Agrawal




1 min

There are people who are friends and then there are friends who are sisters…

She has two of them.

Both a little different but also similar.

One has been with her for a longer time than the other and knows about her past and her childhood. The other has become her sister in a short duration and acknowledges and encourages her passion.

She isn’t good at dealing with people or making friends. Life fixed her appointment with these two girls. In a few meetings, t

he deal was done. They were her sisters. Both know her well and support her. They are the only persons who can handle her perfectly when she is in one of her ‘moods’.

They are different as ‘friends’.

They are same as ‘sisters’.

There may be times when she gives her time to her friends and her sisters feel ignored.

They need to remember that they are her sisters and at the end of the day, she will turn to them for love and support.

Sisters are for Life…

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