

2 mins

She reached the airport two hours before the flight time. She did not want to miss her flight at any cost.

After the plane took off, she tried to sleep but the excitement to meet him after five years was not letting her. Excitement was same like she was going to meet him for first time.

How would he react when he would see her? Would he hug her or not? All these kind of thoughts were running in her mind and making her more nervous.

It was drizzling outside when flight landed in the city.

She wanted to get ready before meeting him. So, she hurriedly went to the ladies washroom, applied some makeup and told herself don't think too much. Just go with your feelings.

When she was coming out, he called her again to ask where she was The wait was making him impatient.

She saw him finally, it felt like time turned backwards. she was feeling same nervousness and shyness.

He extended his hand to greet her, when their hands met, she felt that there is something amiss. The chill that used to run through her entire body when he just touches her hand was not there. She thought, she may be thinking too much let's give some time. It's anyway after five y

ears we both were seeing each other.

He booked a taxi to go hotel. They sat in the backseat of the taxi keeping their backpack in between.

After reaching the hotel, she asked him to walk to the beach. She didn't want to waste time and make each and every moment memorable with him. As deep down she knows that its never going to come again.

They walked towards the beach. She wanted him to hold her hand and tell her how much he missed her.

But he was in some other zone. A lot of things were running in his mind that she got to know much later.

After few hours they came back to the hotel. There was a weird kind of silence between them, that both wanted to remove.

he turned on the TV to fill the silence. It felt like they didn't have anything to say.

She woke up around midnight due to his snoring.

She was looking at him and thinking about the old times they spent together.

She vividly remembers, how earlier he used to pull her towards him and hugged tightly while planting a kiss on her forehead.

She wanted to tell him, don't be so hard on himself. Nothing can change our love for each other, even marriage.

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