Raman - The Real Warrior
Raman - The Real Warrior

The snow-capped mountains offered a panoramic view but now the base of the mountain seemed incongruous with the war looming large. Soldiers from Pakistan and India quickly created a pattern for themselves behind the colossal mountains to get an edge over their opponents. The beautiful place exquisite with sky reflection would soon be turning into a deathbed piled up with dead bodies. Powerful soldiers whose lives are always on the line of fire have assembled at the mountain with the only intention to win the war.
These soldiers did not harbour materialistic views rather stowed spiritual energy in their minds to save their country come what may. These highly efficient and trained soldiers always brought out their A-game to get upper hand over their enemy. They didn't care even if they have to sacrifice themselves for the prosperity of the country. The country came first in the minds of these soldiers who looked fierce with an agenda to demolish the enemy. Raman, the reclusive Indian soldier who had spent considerable time of his life in pursuing his goal to demolish the enemy wouldn't have gotten a better chance than this. He was pumped up all set to run through the enemies. A bullet whizzed past the mountain to initiate the start of the war. Bullets fell all over like raindrops to create a ghastly situation.
Soldiers from both sides left no stones unturned to put their deft process in motion amidst punctuated with the barrage of enemy bullets. They exercised heavy fight which resulted in the death of multiple soldiers from both sides. Raman was on fire as he claimed multiple Pakistani soldiers through his adept skills. The Pakistani soldiers had no answers to his repeated questions of bullets. As per the rules of the war, it was decided not to hurl any grenades but the Pakistani soldiers broke the rule as they couldn't get an upper hand over Indian soldiers. Raman was seriously injured in the grenade attack but was still alive. He winced in pain in contrast to his stoic face which always controlled the emotions. This cowardice act did not lift the gloom in the Indian camp rather neutralized their winning moment. Cowards ran away with the body of Raman. Seized in the hands of Pakistani soldiers, Raman neither had the energy nor a way to escape. Very soon he blacked out.
The next day, the news grabbed headlines everywhere describing the cowardly act of Pakistani soldiers to breach the war rule. There was a sullen silence in the Indian camp which couldn't digest the news of their notable soldier Raman's abduction. This pain and the anger resonated with every Indian who desperately prayed for the return of their most valuable soldier. The Indian Army stated Pakistan to release Raman within three days or else they will have to get ready to face the ramifications. They couldn't afford the ignominy of an Indian soldier dying in the enemy nation. All news channels continued to telecast this news to reach the mass audience to depict the gravity of the situation. Playing the betrayal game to perfection, Pakistanis rejoiced over the abduction of Raman, who had become an overnight sensation in the whole world. He was plopped with his limbs bound to the chair. They resumed their celebration in full style as if they won the war. The celebration soon receded when Raman jolted back to his consciousness.
The serious skulls in front looked blurred for some time. The grenade blast which took place near him still seemed to echo its voice in his ears. His chest throbbed in pain as he winced. One of the soldiers assumed a lotus posture to mock Raman who was also famous for his meditation. Although it was for five seconds, this act irked Raman to the core with anger surging through his face being palpable.
"Are you yearning to go back to your motherland?" One of them asked.
cannot stop me from going back to my motherland following your departure forever from your motherland."
"Despite being bound with chairs, you seem to possess enough courage, I got to admire it."
The time was ticking fast but there was no statement from Pakistan which only escalated the situation. Will the day come to banish their discomfort? Meetings were churned out to come up with a plan to avenge this betrayal. On the third day, a piece of shocking news invited the morning of Indians when it said that Raman would be hanged in Pakistan. Raman spent the entire last night entranced in meditation. All images of his lonely childhood brushed past his eyes not to evoke tears but to evoke a smile that prided him for what he stood for. The number of sacrifices he had made his entire life for the betterment of the country remained fresh in his eyes brewing hope for a better India and a strong developed India.
Once you take an oath as a soldier, you vow to pledge your life for your country. This is what separates soldiers from others. The one who has no fear about his life is the one who has the divine strength to battle anything in life. The one who is not entangled in the Maya of materialism sees the new realms of the world hitherto seen before. In the four walls of a dark room, his heart sprung up light and his mind a ray of hope. He made up his mind to fight the bastards single-handedly come what may even if it meant his death. Last year, he had lost his parents who were his pillar of strength. The images of his parents scrolled through his mind to accord him the power to pursue his vision come what may. The gloom that engulfed the room evaporated when the morning sun rays shone sharply.
Under the fierce rays of the son, an arrangement was made to hang the Indian soldier. The place was buzzing as many had thronged to commemorate the dastardly event; the clamour rose to a crescendo spilling the negative force all-pervasive. A masked soldier was carefully brought to the spot and amidst the uproar of people, he was hanged to death. No repentance only celebration.
One of them who seemed to deftly analyze the height of the hanged man pulled his mask only to be donned with an apprehensive look.
"He is not Raman."
People couldn't believe what had materialized between the previous night and today morning. No one knew how Raman could escape from the tight security of Pakistanis. Their bewildered look spoke volumes about their confusion. Suddenly, a colossal bomb detonated in the spot as people ran helter-skelter to save themselves from the impending doom. One after the other soldiers, squeezed themselves through a hole to come out to the open place. Raman squeezed a hail of bullets to kill them one by one before leaving for India. The Indians couldn't believe the heroics of Raman who had singlehandedly demolished the Pakistanis and returned unscathed. When he was asked about how he went about his plan, he said,
"When I was deep into meditation, it dawned upon me that I would be taken to the hanging spot through a secret place. It was up to me to use that window of opportunity to snub out their plan. In that secret place, there was a single guy who escorted me. He had a gun in his holster and things could have gone awry had I botched the plan. I took a deep breath and waited for the perfect opportunity to grab his gun before trampling him down.
Soon I exchanged my clothes with him and escorted him to the spot. He was gagged and his muffled voice was negligible against the clamour manufactured in the place.
He was hanged to death and I used the colossal bomb placed over a box hidden beneath the table to churn out an explosion before jumping into the open spot to wink out their soldier's lives through my hardened bullets."