Bhaskar Mulagada

Fantasy Thriller Others


Bhaskar Mulagada

Fantasy Thriller Others

Phosphorus 2 - The Coalition

Phosphorus 2 - The Coalition

2 mins

The 7 crew members are scared to inspect the whole island as it is totally deserted. The Soul Survivor, feared of his death, went to the Red Thorn Island to finish up the Black Witch's spell.

The Soul Survivor was Carl, who had passed his degree last year. Now fearing his death next Easter Sunday, he dared to go to Red Thorn Island to finish the Black Witch's spell.( Actually, he didn't know that it was a spell, he went to finish whatever the mystery of the fireballs was )

At the same time, a ship carrying 7 crew members, were carrying huge amounts of Phosphorus to light up the city of Rio, as it is highly flammable. Phosphorus was used up by Rio people to light up their Florets, a cultural pod which in which they used to fill up phosphorous and light it up, in the festival of Barrow Narrow celebrated a week before Easter Sunday.

Unfortunately, the weather didn't go their way, a powerful storm washed their ship to Red Thorn Island. Carl was wandering in Red Thorn Island to solve the mystery. This news was not known by those 7 crew members. What they did was light up the Phosphorus long-lasting lighting sticks, which they carried in case of emergency, like this.

They were good shipbuilders, so they started to scavenge the whole island to build a ship to carry out their journey. Suddenly one of those crew members spotted a dark shadow sitting beside the tree. Scared, they ran towards the captain to report this incident. All of the crew members started to walk towards the mysterious dark shadow found beside the tree. 

Captain(Nearing to the shadow): Who is there??

Shadow(Scared): What is that noise??

The Captain fell to the ground after seeing Carl's face.

Carl: Wake Up, I have no harm for you, Wake Up!!

Captain(Eyes Opening): Who are you and what are you doing here?

Carl: I am the soul Survivor of the mysterious fireballs death incidents from the last twelve years, and I am Carl. I am here to finish up the mysterious ongoing before the next Easter Sunday.

Captain: Please explain properly.

Carl: Let me explain.....

Carl explains the whole story of the Red Thorn 

Captain: Then if we escape from here then also the fireballs will kill us, so better to walk with you. Together let's finish the Mystery.

Carl: Well, why you all came here?

Captain: Our bad luck, our ship crashed into this island, we were carrying some phosphorus barrels for Rio, and this incident took place. We were finding new tools to build our new ship. Take this Phosphorous stick and let's begin our not so good, unwanted adventure, type of.....

The Story will be continued......

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