Jacob Greb
Abstract Drama
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I Kissed Her ...
Dating 101: L...
Dating 101: T...
Time: The Mea...
The Pondering...
We tested both of them again after the delivery for Covid 19, both of them tested negative We tested both of them again after the delivery for Covid 19, both of them teste...
This story about being careful on whom you trust, always be aware. This story about being careful on whom you trust, always be aware.
The story speaks about love, lust, and other fine emotions, The story speaks about love, lust, and other fine emotions,
Anand was in a hurry to finish playing chess. His mother will allow him to watch TV only after the g... Anand was in a hurry to finish playing chess. His mother will allow him to watch...
Always respect your teachers, do not value them any lesser than your parents. Always respect your teachers, do not value them any lesser than your parents.
Anand may tell everyone he was happy where ever his father is in the afterlife, but what does he not... Anand may tell everyone he was happy where ever his father is in the afterlife, ...
You can make your own decision whether it was a dream, or it really happened but I might give you th... You can make your own decision whether it was a dream, or it really happened but...
I always satisfied my teenage wishes through my daughter I always satisfied my teenage wishes through my daughter
...alive in somebody’s memory... ...alive in somebody’s memory...
Fear is one of the strongest emotions in the history of mankind. Fear is one of the strongest emotions in the history of mankind.
I have been suffering from an infection in my respiratory tract for more than a week I have been suffering from an infection in my respiratory tract for more than a ...
Gayatri cursed the old beggar who had succeeded in making her husband a good-for-nothing fellow... Gayatri cursed the old beggar who had succeeded in making her husband a good-for...
Born and brought up in a lower middle-class nuclear family, I never got to experience the luxuries o... Born and brought up in a lower middle-class nuclear family, I never got to exper...
I said yes, and disconnected the call without giving any finality. I said yes, and disconnected the call without giving any finality.
I woke up on a day I don’t recall, or the month or even the year. I woke up on a day I don’t recall, or the month or even the year.
Prasad turned around and noticed his father wiping off tears from his eyes. Prasad turned around and noticed his father wiping off tears from his eyes.
Charlie was a lost cause. A potential ruined. Charlie was a lost cause. A potential ruined.
The story shows that the protagonist carries the keychain which is the souvenir to cherish the teach... The story shows that the protagonist carries the keychain which is the souvenir ...
The Life of poor ones is portrayed by my views in this story of a dream The Life of poor ones is portrayed by my views in this story of a dream
With the destruction of the alien spaceship, the mission was over. With the destruction of the alien spaceship, the mission was over.