D B Majaw

Horror Crime Thriller


D B Majaw

Horror Crime Thriller

"Not Him!"

"Not Him!"

3 mins

It was dark when a small eight-year-old boy came home from school. Checking a small watch on his wrist, he knew it was time for his mother to come home. He knew that she would be the first to reach home today. He had to hurry.

The reason for his being late was because of a missing child. The child was last seen leaving the school early in the morning for reasons unknown and had not reached home since then. "He was a good friend of mine" the boy had said earlier when they all went out to search for him "He would never go anywhere without me". The village search party were still searching the Ngenkai forest when our boy reached home. He looked saddened by the unsuccessful searches thus far. 

Upon seeing his house open and yet unlit, he hurried his steps. Naturally, he removed his shoes and carefully laid them on his porch before entering his poorly built shack of a home. Hoping to see his beloved mother's face, he hurriedly threw the bag of books inside the house and rushed out to see her in the garden.

When he saw no one there he was sad. He looked around the place and saw no signs of her either. The light of the setting sun is getting dimmer while the boy scans the perimeter of his beautifully kept garden of greens. After a while, his eyes came to rest upon a trail of black slimy liquid leading to his house...

He frowned. 

With a huge sigh, he followed the trail from his garden. He entered the house and carefully opened the door to avoid scaring whatever it was that could possibly be inside. He then unhooked a strangely designed flute with strange, terrible markings on it, hanging on the ceiling where his mother had kept beautiful rows of brown smoked meat above the fireplace. Holding it close to his chest, he proceeded towards the small bedroom where his mother sleeps.

"Kookooo, Koo Koo," said the boy with a strange vocalisation which seems to have come from his momentary bulging of the throat. The unnerving action resembles the vocal gestures of a siamang ape but the sound emitted is as uncanny as the behaviour of a mere eight year old boy doing all these weird routines befitting not even an insane human adult. 

There was a terrible hissing sound coming from the room in reply. The hiss sounded hostile.

However, the boy seemed to know what he doing. Determined and calculating, he proceeded gently towards the bedroom. He opened the door, hissing awkwardly as he did it. He seemed to have done this many times.

"Kookoo, Koo Koo!" signalled the boy again using that uncanny bulging of the throat. 

The door opened at the slightest push and whatever that was hissing at him was formless. With only a twirling mass of unknown blackness as its appearance, the thing shrieked and hissed vehemently at the boy. The sound is most unpleasant indeed as it was coupled with a restless slurping noise coming from the ever-twirling masses of shape-shifting slime.

Unfazed by what he saw, the boy simply opened the door wider for himself to enter.

Doing so, h

e placed the strange ominous flute to his lips and played a haunting tune that has never ever touched a human ear.

The black formless hissing thing seemed to have been severely affected by the odd time signatures in the music. With every note, the twirling masses of wet slimy tendrils found themselves forcefully limited to a certain form in the corner of the bedroom, slowly manifesting themselves into a body of a woman clutching at something. The shrieking and hissing were unbearable but the child played on. Several animals in the area can be heard howling in mortal fear as the devilish harmony rages on.


The search party in the Ngenkai hills were deeply frightened by this sinister omen in the form of an extremely sinister sound, considering they had almost lost hope in ever finding the missing boy. One of the men leading the groups shouted to the others to follow the source of the otherworldly music emanating from a small farmhouse near the forest border and suggested that they all go and investigate.

As soon as the rest of the search teams had locked their ears into the mysterious ballad, a wave of terrible anguish and sadness swept over them. Some of the men resisted it for a few moments before succumbing to the overwhelming preternatural dread, falling down to their knees, twitching uncontrollably like everybody else as they did so. Those who were more affected than the others seemed to have retreated to a final fetal position, crying hysterically all the while. So painful, horrific and frightening was the feeling implanted by the music that all those who heard it, broke into tears screaming and wished that they have been born with no ears. A few others even wished that they had never been born at all...

The howling of the dogs and men plagued the entire village that night in bloodcurdling unison.


Inside the cursed room where the music was played however, the battle was almost half done. The boy kept playing soulfully, not giving any chance for a fight back. By the time the crescendoing music had hit the highest octave on the three hundred and thirty third minute, the ever-twirling mass had almost completely stopped. In the corner of the bedroom, a womanly form woke up and found herself covered in black slime and holding something in her lap. 

With every effort she can muster, she screamed at the boy not to come any nearer. But the boy who had finished playing the otherworldly flute by then insisted to check on her.

As he drew nearer, he saw that the thing in her lap is a mass of heavily mutilated flesh. A half-eaten body of a child, dressed in a familiar school uniform, equally torn and covered in blood and slime.

This time the boy stiffened a while before quietly screaming in a frightened whisper, 

"What have you done?"

His mother still recovering from the horrible transformation, didn't answer.

"I told you Not Him, Mother!"

He looked at the messy heap in front of him, shaking his head, disappointed.

"Not Him"

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