Mysterious Island - Series
Mysterious Island - Series

The Boy
Once, there was a teenager named John. He lived near the sea in a huge building. There was also an island not too far away. One day when he went to the sea, he heard some weird noises coming from the island. He went there and saw that there was a robot who was huge and was digging a hole.
After that day he heard the same noises coming from there each day. One day, he decided to check and when he went there he saw that it was an illusion made by a camera and the hole was just a cloth. After that, the mystery was solved.
The Stalker
One day John went to meet his friend Jack who lived in a building which was near to his school. As John had solved a mystery jack asked him if he could help. John said yes and asked him what happened. Jack told that when he comes home from school and a man follows him. On the next day when Jack was coming home the same man followed him. John was following the man and when the man ran to Jack he hit him with a pocket knife that he had with him. The the man ran as fast as he could to a boat and when John saw that the boat was heading to the same island on which the robot illusion was made,he took a boat and followed the man he discovered that under the cloth was a secret base in which there were children mining rocks. Seeing that John called the cops and told them everything they said that they will be there soon. After the cops arrived they arrested all the people and saved the children.
But the story is not over because when they were going back John saw a red button which will be discovered in next chapter.
In the last chapter John found a red button.
John - Heyyyyyy..... What's this???
Police 1 - How can I know but I think that is dangerous let me call special team.
Team member 1- *Presses the button*
System - Opening missile door
Everybody goes inside and sees a huge missile they call the bomb squad. But they fail to diffuse it and the missile goes boom....... John and the others were lucky they ran away fast enough because the missile was designed to blast two cities in one touch. Then John receives a call saying that his little brother his kidnapped and John goes on a journey to find him but soon discovers that his is going to deal with some very dangerous people. And remember that robot from the first part? He was actually a robot but when he saw John coming he kept a hologram and he was actually digging up hole for the missile to launch.The police said that he should not go alone so he assigned some of the best spies from a spy agency their names were:
Agent Jake - The Leader
Agent Lyla - The computer genius
Agent luke - The one who likes to blow up places and people
Agent Adam - The Muscle man
He got ready and the agency gave his some weapons like grenades guns and smoke bombs. They sat on a plane and tracked the place from where the call came.
The Hunt
They all sit in a jet and go to the place they tracked when the call was on i.e Egypt
(desert area). They searched for levers and buttons but when Jack kicked a stone he fell down so the others jumped down to see where he was going.
Soon they all found themselves in a high tech city wich didn't look like it was even in 21st century. Then they heard screams and followed it. They took bombs and bazooka (rocket launcher) ready. Then many people with knives, bombs and guns came towards them. They rushed towards the crowd. They started blasting buildings so it would fall on them which would make their work easier. In about 30 secs they killed only 20 people out of 300!! They thought going face to face would be foolishness so they started to searching for jetpack, but the people thought they ran away but when they were going back they all followed them but as soon as they reached they base they saw the boss. John did not recognize him but Jack, Lyla, Luke and Adam did. They said his name was Exitium. He was very dangerous and he removed every thorn from his path of ultimate destruction. He wants to bring the god of destruction back on earth. He was almost reviving the god of destruction when they all destroyed the scepter that could bring him. They all knew there war four things that could bring him back on earth
1- Scepter (destroyed)
2 - An ancient temple
3 - Bracelet
4 - Amulet
And there are two bad news are that if he combined The Amulet and The Bracelet it would bring the scepter back and if these three would be kept in the temple he could bring the god in full power and he only wanted John's little brother because John only knew the place where to find the enchanted things. Because he is a descendant of the man who sealed thee God and also because John would be in a hurry to save his brother he would tell the location fast. He had to tell fast the location or he would kill his brother. But he couldn't risk the destruction of humanity so he had to make a choice fast because his brother was in great danger. He had a plan and chose his brother. He went down and said "I will tell you where the Amulet and the temple are but first let him go" On that Exitium said "First the two then him". Then John went back home and brought the secret book hidden inside a wall. He came and told that he has to follow him. He told him it is in hidden in the Himalayas. So Exitium clapped and the base became into a huge plane. They reached Himalaya in about 4 hrs. He told it is on top of the great Mt Everest. So they all sat in the jet and John and Exitium only went but when John was about to fall he held him because if he was gone his plan would be gone because the book was written in a secret language only he could translate.
He asked John where is it he said Exitium they had to jump and he pushed Exitium down and jumped down and told Exitium to meet on the north side when they were there he threw rocks there two times and then came bright light and there it was in front of them. The Amulet of darkness.
The last time the team went to Egypt then John was forced to tell the location and they went for the Himalayas and saw the amulet of darkness.
Now back to the present
John: Hey we found it
Exitium: Very good go take it.
John: Phffftt whatever
John takes a small car and sends it near the amulet. Then arrows come out and stop.
Then john takes another car and throws it. It passed safely!
Then he jumped and took the amulet and came back. The next place was THE SAHARA DESERT!!!!
John then took the heli and went there.
3 Hours Later...
The helicopter lands and it is written on the map that When the sun is in the middle the *page torn* will rise to show its darkness but a boy name.. Then lightning strikes. Then a bomb blasts they are shocked to see it. There is a big head of a wolf...
They enter and find some strong connection that leads to a headache to John and the near they go his headache grows harder and find the Bracelet of the Dark Sky. Then they get serious and the John pats Exitium and the back. Then exitium takes the bracelet and they go for the temple which is in Bermuda Triangle. They go and then a spell is written and then John reads it "Quod ex Deo oriri exitium erit, et genus erit ad extremum eius" then the temple comes up but with it comes out a huge dragon. Then john disappears and then he appears on top of the dragon he runs on its back and he disappears and again appears with his allies and then the dragon comes to destroy the chopper and then it collapses. Meaning he took some shock bombs that cause the dragon the get fried thus making him go into hypersleep. Then they go inside and find a pit on whose side is written for reviving things. They put the broken sceptre and throw it in it. Then something comes from the ground a table on which the three are put and then Exitium
laughs and he gets a shock from John remember the pat? He put a shock bomb. Then he rises and changes into the god of destruction i.e Exitium ex dei. Then dark clouds appear and the John translates the spell.
Quod ex Deo oriri exitium erit, et genus erit ad extremum eius - - - - The god of destruction will rise and the descendant wi ll destroy him.
To Be Continued....
The Dragon
Let's Start Reading!
He learns that if this spell came true then there is a way to defeat Exitium. He called reinforcements an army full of..... Dragons!
Their leader was a huge silver dragon. His name was Silver. (You can see him in the picture up). It was a great battle of 1 god vs more than 10000 dragons. The dragons were badly defeated. 9267 killed, 733 wounded. Silver was saved by John for the last as he read another spell. Silver, est fabulosus Draco, da mihi potestatem, et aliorum in cladem maxime potens. They all watched as he was getting powerfully armed and was given a weapon that was sealed away by his great grandfather who knew that someday when Exitium will rise again, and the world will be at a huge risk, the chosen one would find the weapon. Now, John sat on Silver and flew towards that god. He stood on Silver's head when they were near and jumped onto him. It wasn't a surprise for Exitium and they quickly removed The God Destroyer.
The two weapons clashed and a loud boom! They both were thrown back then it was a sword fight, but then they came.... The Media!! They started recording the fight and then it was live. But when they saw Silver they fainted at sight. The pilot also fainted but luckily Silver kept them airborne. Military forces came but no use because Exitium also had forces. It was a war that would make history. Exitium pushed John back and when he was down he made his move and jumped... and John kicked him. It was like starting they were thrown back, They ran towards each other their swords were about to clash but John pulled his sword from right to left and then Exitium fell. Then John killed that menace. It was A Great Victory.
He was rewarded a medal and was given the title, The God Slayer.
Few Months Later
He was just a normal school boy but then he heard something.
The voice was of Silver. He was calling him for a mission.
The New Journey
After the events of the previous story, the journey continues...
1 Year Later.........
John is now taken into the secret spy agency ISSA ( Incredibly Strong Spy Agency). While on an assignment in Egypt he remembered his first mission. But his new assignment was to take down the mysterious dragon of Exitium's base. His pet, Occisor was quietly sleeping down, until they tested a bomb. Occisor came out angrily. He attacked them all but John ran away for weapons. But Occisor caught up to him, but when he was about to scratch his face, a loud roar came. It was Silver! The two dragons fought and in the end Silver came alive. John sat on Silver and went away to his home. But he couldn't rest because he got a call in the middle that when they were cleaning Exitium's base they found a message, it was from his brother, Perditor. This message was fresh but Perditor didn't know that his brother already died. This was a plan about a battleship of 233 Sqm. Also, it fires a missile that can evaporate anything. OK, now this is terrifying. How can someone fight a ship this huge? But the coordinates were saying it is being built underwater! But the problem is that the completion is done, they are filling missiles and making the ship ready for flight. It looks like another team-up with Alpha Squad. John called Jake for a mission and of course, he accepted it. They met at their nearest base. They discussed and made a plan. The weak point of the ship was its turret. If you shoot a bullet it will instantly destroy the ship into vapors. They got ready with armor for another great mission. But they didn't know who would be the leader of Exitium and Perditor. It would mean something more to him. Anyways, they were getting ready when John said "Are you sure about the plan? Cause when I rethink it feels very hard and if we don't win then we will get in big trouble." They called Silver and his Dragon Army for help. They flew at the speed of sound when they saw the ship they said to each other "Get Ready!" Fighter planes came for battle. But luckily the Alpha Squad had an army of elemental dragons. Wave one got destroyed and they boarded the ship. John also had his legendary sword. Soldiers in black came for the second wave, but they also got destroyed, but the last wave was of their duplicates!! They were taught in accent, fighting skills, etc. It was a tough battle but they had extra help also! They brought the strongest agent of ISSA, his name was Dan. But the clones were in trouble because they didn't have his clone. He destroyed them all and then they went to the reactor core. They planted a time bomb and went away. They stole ships and flew. The turret was shooting missiles but it was destroyed in mid-air. Then John shot a missile inside it and boom! A huge flash of light came and then there was nothing. But their leader escaped in an escape pod. They were called for honor and John was made the leader of Alpha Squad.
Mystery Man
John was later called for a mission to find the leader of the secret organization - Darkness Rising Order (DRO). When he escaped before, it was not part of the mission. But since this time it is the mission, he has to find him.
He was getting ready, but he got a call from his friend Jack. He somehow knew about the previous mission, which was top-secret! He knew every smallest detail about it. But it was from the enemy side. Knock knock, John cut the call and answered the door. He was taking too much time. He went to the airport and flew to their base. He got the coordinates from Jack. He reached and found out just a statue of a horse. He investigated it and found and the small hole he tried many things but it didn't work. He accidentally shot a bullet and then smoke came and then he was seeing ...... The Mayan Ruins! But there were no coordinates for it.
Instead, the device stopped working. The Alpha Squad followed him and was shocked to see everything. They asked him if they were dreaming or this is real? "Not sure about it," said John. They went ahead, there they saw a Flying Cat?!?! This got weird and weird, but then Lyla suggested that they are in another universe, perhaps a multiverse. "This explains that" said Jake. He tried calling Silver but instead of a dragon, there they met a singing dog. He was singing like this" woof woof woof, woof woof woof, woof wof wof wo wooof". Then they saw a building they went inside and started fighting with laughing sheep. They went up to find who is behind this massive destruction and you won't believe who he was, it was.......... John's friend Jack! He went to confront him and he was pushed away by air! His friend was somehow knowing telekinesis! He wore a red cape and from his hood was coming smoke. He removed his hood and his body was totally burned. (You can see his hand in the cover)All he did till now was to draw him here.
The stalker(from MI 2) and Exitium were just his little minions. They ran away to find an exit and then they found a switch,but then a gun's shot voice came, then they clicked the switch , a door opened they went in and a flash came. They were back. He took his jet and flew away from that place. He called his secret army, no it wasn't the dragon army, it was an army that consisted of people as powerful as a nuclear bomb. They were radioactive! The army flew and John, in his jet followed them. When they were near, they marched and did the same step to go inside and then, they started shooting laser in form of nuclear from their hands and eyes. He also called the dragons and they destroyed that place very badly. They all searched for Jack, but after they found him, he was already killed. A person stronger than him is around, who could he/she be?
To be continued....
The Master - Series Finale
Coming Soon........