Project Racket Strike - 3
Project Racket Strike - 3

Continued from part 2:
I started advancing to the Research Facilities. At about 500m from the Research Facility buildings, I scanned the entire area for human activity. No heat signals, no sign of any living being inside. How come I can’t detect any living being inside when the Alpha Research Team (ART) is hiding here? My scanners were not indicating RED, which meant the area was safe. But something was not right here. I could feel it in me. Somewhere at the back of the facility, there was something which was dangerous to this world. What was it?
As I moved to the Main research facility, I got a message from the YDH Base HQ. I slowly moved ahead till the main entry. I entered the main lobby and checked every lab on ground floor. All of them were evacuated, showing no signs of humans inside.
"Glad you made it hear Aj,." Dr. Cyrus sounded relieved, "now come on the main deck on the top floor.” As instructed, I went to the main atrium, approached the glass elevators and pressed the buttons. As the elevator moved up, I glanced in the research labs. It was a huge space with various departments and chambers. Scientific apparatus & sample specimens were kept all along the floor.
Strangely, it was all empty.
The elevator opened on the top level directly in the main lab. Surprisingly, the lights were on, and the whole area was vacant, without any sign of anyone in. Crossing the lobby, I entered the main lab. It was an enormous space, with all interiors done in white.
“Welcome, Commander Aj..!” A huge video screen turned on the rear wall and I couldn’t believe what I was watching. Dr. Evan Moretti, the person who appointed me in this mission, the person who gave me this super brain, the person who successfully helped me complete Project Razor-Sharp, was seated behind a table, greeting me with a smile.
“I know you are surprised to see me. Well, I was surprised to see you too. After all the attacks that happened on you, it’s a shock to see you here…!”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “So you planned all those attacks on me….?”
“Yes Commander…! I planned those attacks on you…! Practically, it was I who compelled Dr. Cyrus to speak with you. My plan was to execute you using the High Density Ultrasonic Sounds. I attacked you using those sounds. But you survived them. Then I instructed you to enter the two research facilities. I made you destroy all the required evidences which will help you nab the real culprit. I even attacked you there…! But you came out of there as well…! You really have a sharp brain Aj…!”
The mastermind was revealing all of his plans.
“You think the WattleBirch government is doing this? Oh c’mon…They’re not that smart..! Initially we started these experiments together. Our aim was simple: to use this SONAR technology on terrorist nations and take them down without using weapons. However, I planned something else. I gave this world this amazing sound attack technology using my mind..! Why should these people be my partners? I deserve to rule the world alone…! I gave you this super brain Aj..!” Dr. Evan was spilling out all of his plans.
“So you gave me all the false reasons stating how these people are betraying us…?”
“Obviously…..! They never betrayed us…! Infact I had instructed all of my team to use these waves on them..! I wanted these islands to be evacuated as fast as I can…. I knew these are our people. But understand Aj, we are falling short of resources on earth..! The population is increasing…! As time goes on eventually there will be more people than resources on the earth, which will probably lead to the slow extinction of the human race by starvation and a violent struggle for whatever resources remain. It will be a very ugly and possibly inevitable way for our species to go. I would rather prefer to wipe out our species in one merciful act rather than to let humanity slowly choke itself to death…! You know Aj..? Destroying the world is the only way to save it from itself. You call it ‘doomsday device’; I call it ‘salvation’..!” As Dr. Evan said this, he pressed something on the table. Immediately, I heard soft humming sounds below. It was as it something was happening below the facility.
“The countdown has begun Aj….” Dr. Evan said, “Don’t think of saving this world in the way you did in Project Razor-Sharp…! This time you…”
“I knew what was happening here, Doctor..!” interrupting him, I said, “When I landed here and the moment when sonic attacks happened on me, when I heard Dr. Cyrus’s voice, I knew something was not right. Before I landed here, I had scanned the area and I came to know that you had installed jammers all around on the island. When I reached the first West Research Lab, as per your instructions, while trying to delete it, I saw a coded message in one of the programs. This message contained a series of emails regarding your perfidious behaviour with YDH, which the Alpha team had sent . When I visited the second server facility, I knew you had jammed it, so I repaired it and now, using the observation drone I have sent all the info to the YDH HQ. They’re already sending an army here…! It won’t be hard for me to track you down, Mr. Mastermind…! Using the network signals, my team will soon reach to you...! Using the sound energy of the Ultrasonic waves, my brain has already upgraded itself. Now I’m immune to your attacks. I already knew who was treacherous with whom, but I just wanted to confirm was it really you. You are a shame to us, Dr. Evan…!”
Dr. Evan was silent for a long time. “You’re smart, Aj. You really have an amazing super brain. But you smartness is of no use, my friend…” He then showed an ariel view of the facility. A series of huge Long Range Sound Antennae (LRSA) were installed on the rooftop of the neighbouring service building. Now I came to know what was happening here. The antennas were emitting High Density Ultrasonic Sounds in the air around.
“I’ve started the destruction, AJ…!” Dr. Evan’s voice boomed overhead, “You can’t save anyone now…!” the video screen turned off.
Before I entered the facility, I had injected the antibiotics to my team. I had taken them when I left the second re
search lab. The team of doctors who had prepared this technology had also prepared the anti-dote, to protect themselves. My scanners picked up the most important medicine, injecting which made my team more immune to all the attacks.
“Dr. Zeus, what’s the status…?” I called as I ran to the rooftop.
“Evan has installed the antennas on the rooftop. He has started the High Density Ultrasonic Sounds attack on the islands. But this time, the intensity is too high. The antennas are emitting sounds much higher than the earlier frequencies. The sound frequency is increasing every minute. Its range has crossed more than 20 kms and is still increasing.... “As he said this, I got an update on my scanners indicating an SOS call from many of the neighbouring islands.
"There's much more to this, Aj......" Dr Zeus continued, "Dr. Evan has installed multiple LSRAs on numerous locations on earth. They have already started functioning, emitting sounds causing various health problems not just here, but all around the earth. The software is quite simple; it can run on any computer in the world. Dr Evan installed it using simple and easy tools on every computer across all the major cities. Within minutes, every single computer which is connected to antennas has started emitting sounds, causing destruction everywhere..... “As he said this, I got multiple signals from everywhere on earth, showing severe health conditions. Almost every country around the globe started complaining of unusual health conditions, requesting immediate help. Slowly, the whole world got into chaos.
"I know the entire system in the world is connected by this server...." immediately I got the required info on my scanners. All the systems on earth were connected on this server. The main server was stationed on another service building, about 300 M from the main research facility.
I exited the main building. Taking the rear stairs, I came out of the rear exit. The ultrasounds had started, and the scanners fitted in my eyes started flashing red, indicating danger. I kept moving ahead. As I saw the main server building, I got an intuition inside my head indicating the building was not empty. Approaching the facility, I checked the area. The entire server building was heavily guarded by Dr. Evan’s army. Taking all the guards down on my own was an impossible task. The Riverdell army, whom I had asked for help, was out of reach due to the ultrasound attacks. My team, two of them were busy behind Dr. Evan, and the other two were busily trying to help me out.
My aim was to somehow reach the main server building, and to dissemble the main system server. However, it was not that easy.
Suddenly, an idea shot me up. The guards in Dr. Evan's army were using earpieces connected to the main server. Their earpieces had another microchip installed in it, which was preventing the after effects of the ultra sound on them. That was when I used my trick.
"Jack...I am tagging all the armed persons using the observation drone. Check the micro devices attached to their ears. They are connected to one of the computers in the Main Service Building. I'll patch you their co -ordinates. Hack the server and disable their security softwares. This will expose them entirely to the ultrasounds, finishing them instantly…!"
Jack did as I had instructed him, and immediately all the soldiers held their ears. My idea worked nicely on all of them. Within minutes, all the soldiers, including the once inside the Service facility, fell on ground holding their stomach.
I took this opportunity and ran to the service facility. Hacking the entry codes, I entered and sprinted up to the topmost level. The Antennae’s placed on the rooftop were emitting very harsh ultrasonic sounds. Even though I was immune to it, I could feel it clearly .As I entered the top level, the sound around was intensive. The antennae’s were giving out loud sound, and now I slowly started feeling the effects on me. Feeling dizzy, I covered my ears. There were a series of computers in front of me. My vision slowly started blurring. Unable to stand properly, I fell down. The whole floor was vibrating. I couldn’t see ahead, as the loud sound was affecting my scanners.
“Jack, I’m hacking the servers…! Dr. Evan has used an encrypted password for the programs which are running the LSRAs. I’ll get those passwords ..!” As I said this, I hacked the passwords using system variables & punched it on the software screen. The machine did not accept it. I tried again, but still I got no result.
“I can’t stop the reaction Jack..!” I screamed amidst the Huge Ultrasonic Sounds, “Press the red button..! Detonate this entire facility..!”
“But AJ, even you’ll get killed…!”
“Remember what we had discussed…! Don’t stop…do it now else the whole world will be gone….!”
I had instructed Jack and Bruno to install dynamites and explosives all around the facility. In case if we are unable to shut down the server, the facility should be destroyed .That was our Plan B.
Suddenly I heard a huge explosion. Within seconds, a ring of explosions followed, in & around the facility. As I collapsed on ground, I still kept hearing explosions all around me. In the middle of Ultrasonic sounds and explosions, I fainted.
Someone was shaking me. “Commander, you OK?” I heard a faint sound as I tried to get up. Slowly I woke up and looked around. All of my team members were standing in front of me. The entire Research Complex had collapsed in dust, leaving no traces of anything behind.
“The attacks have stopped, Commander. Without caring for your life, you blasted the entire complex. Since all the antennae’s around the world were connected to this Main server, all of them have stopped. This helped the Riverdell army to track down the treacherous traitor Dr Evan. He has been detained…” Dr Zeus gave me the current status update.
“And yes...the Riverdell army has taken over these Islands. They are helping other inhabitants of these islands. And…” he showed me a LIVE news update on TV using his display device, “the original Alpha Research Team (ART) have been detected. They are safe..”
“Once again, you saved the world, AJ…!” Jack looked at me happily and said.
“Ah... well, that’s why I call myself AWESOME AJ…!” I said as I stood up with my team.
-: THE END :-