The Ace of Spades
The Ace of Spades

Rakesh woke up with a start.
"Mom! Mom!"
His mom was in the kitchen. She came running.
"What happened, my son?"
"Mom! I had that dream again!"
"What? Again?"
In a quiet town somewhere in West Bengal, Rakesh and his mom Neha had a quiet livelihood. Rakesh was just 5 years old when his dad passed away. Since then his mom had been managing the show. Like a truly empowered lady, on one hand she was catering to her son's needs and on the other hand, also ensuring that she did a teaching job to meet their living expenses. Before marriage, she had not needed to work, but after Amar, her husband, suddenly passed away, she decided to utilize her education in a productive manner. Although the loss of her husband still hurt her, she found solace in raising her son, who reminded her often of her late husband. He was merely 10 years old, but even at this age, he assisted his mom as much as possible. He was a bright kid and his mom had lots of expectations from him. Everything had been uneventful till recently. However there had been a new development.
Rakesh had started dreaming about his father since a few months. While dreaming is nothing out of the ordinary, the thing that bothered Neha the most was the fact that most of the dreams would end up getting him depressed.
"What happened, my son?"
"Mom! I had that dream again!"
"What? Again?"
"Yes mom", said Rakesh as he rubbed his eyes, trying to get his eyes adjusted to the daylight.
Then he started narrating the details of his dream.
"Mom, didn't you use to say that my father has become a star in the night sky and that he has left us forever? Well guess what, I dreamt again that he has returned. He was smiling and brought lots of gifts for us. He told me so many stories about the life of stars in the night sky, how they sleep during the day and become active in the evening."
Neha breathed a deep sigh.
In a matter of seconds, she had flashbacks in her mind of the moments when her husband breathed his last, the moments where his body was lit up on the funeral pyre. She could sense a deep wound somewhere within that transformed into a drop of stray tear.
"Mom? Mom?"
She had been lost all of a sudden in painful memories only to be awakened by her son.
"Are you sad again?"
"No, my son."
"Then what is it?"
"Not all dreams come true, dear. Some are meant to remind us that life is meant to be enjoyed, no matter what."
"But mom?"
Neha quietly stood up.
"Close your eyes Rakesh."
"Now you can open."
Rakesh saw his face reflecting in the mirror.
"Your dad lives inside you, my son. If you look closely at your reflection in the mirror, you will see him. He is always there with us, helping and supporting us in ways we cannot see but only feel. You are right. He is no longer a star. He has come down. Only this time he has started living inside you, my boy."
He looked closely at the mirror.
"But mom, that's just me. Where is dad? I cannot see him!"
"He is hiding inside you, dear. He will show himself when the time is right."
"Oh! Okay!"
She tried to distract her son with other things, but deep within, she continued to wonder if she was convinced with her own explanation. The vacuum in their life was real and no amount of consolation could fulfill what was lost, but she had to look forward for the sake of her son and herself.
Rest of the day went like a breeze. Neha had got busy with the daily chores. Rakesh studied in the same school where she was the headmistress. So, after school, they would usually return together and that day was no exception. Then they both had lunch and took some rest.
She had no idea when she fell asleep. But when she woke up, it was already evening. She looked for her son immediately, but he was not there in their bed. She got down and looked outside. Dusk had fallen. It was a beautiful moonlit night and though the streetlights had refused to work that night, there was ample moonlight all around. She suddenly felt very happy. It was a poetic night, so to say. Their town was quiet and as she headed out of their home, she saw Rakesh sitting on the stairs outside the main door.
"Babu, when did you wake up?"
"I hardly slept, mom. I cannot forget the dream, you know. I so wish dad would come!"
"Dear, did you forget what I told you in the morning?"
"No, mom. But seriously I could see only myself, none else."
She pulled him closer.
"It's ok dear. You will see him, when the time is right."
After a while they went inside and Neha started helping him with the homework. She also spent some time cooking the dinner. Once done, she looked at the clock. 9:30 p.m.
"Rakesh, come have dinner!"
"Yes mom."
The mother and her son had a quiet dinner. Then the lights were turned off as she started helping her son sleep, also wondering if he would again dream of her husband that night.
They both fell asleep and not sure how long they slept, before Neha was awakened by a sound in their living room. It was completely dark and since their bedroom was closed from inside, she had no idea what caused the sound. She sat up in her bed and tried to listen intently. No this was not a rat. It was as if another human being had set foot in their home.
"Oh my God!", she was suddenly frozen with fear. "Is that a thief or a burglar? Did someone break in?"
She looked at her 10-year old son, who was sleeping like an angel. What would she do now!
Should she call the police? But she first needed to ascertain the nature of intrusion! But going out alone could mean calamity!
She reached out for her cell phone. As luck would have it, the mobile network was gone. She quickly restarted her handset, but to no avail. Meanwhile there was another noise. This time, from the locked bedroom door. Someone was attempting to cut it open from the other side.
"Oh dear!", she nearly cried out. She had no one to seek help from. Now that the mobile network was off, she could not even call any of the friends or neighbors. Mr. Sharad, a retired police officer lived one block away, but he would be sleeping deep by now. She glanced at the watch. 2:21 a.m.
Suddenly the bedroom door was flung open as Neha quickly guarded her son and moved to the corner of their bed, trying to hide themselves under the blanket.
She could see the shadowy figures of two men in the dark. It was clear that both of them had weapons.
"Madam, we know you are here! Just tell us where you have kept the classroom notes. Oops. Bank notes, we meant! Give us the keys and you will be safe."
Neha could not utter any word. She was too frightened. But Rakesh woke up and found his mom holding him tight and covering his mouth with her palms.
"This is exactly what disappoints us. Time is of essence! Panchu, switch on the lights. Madam is probably too scared to talk."
Suddenly the room was filled with light.
"Ah there you both are! Panchu, look. Mom and son! So scared!"
Neha finally spoke up, "Who are you? What do you want?"
"We are friends, madam. We just need the keys, that's all. We are good men, mean no harm." One of them had a knife in his hand, the sharp edges were glistening.
"I see, the keys are there in the corner. Take whatever you want, please don't hurt me or my son, I beg of you."
"Hee hee! Sure madam. You cooperate with us. We cooperate with you. We are good men, told ya!"
Neha was disgusted at the evil grin, but she had no other options than to meet their demands.
Rakesh, meanwhile, could understand the gravity of the situation. These were evil men. He had seen their types many times in movies. But he was thinking what could possibly be done. He looked at the cell phone and understood it did not have the tower, probably that's why his mom had failed to call the police. Sharad uncle lived one block away, if only he could inform him... He is a retired police officer and could summon a police force real quick. But how would he escape!
One of the men had gone to the other room to try out the keys while one stood guard in the bedroom. Even if Rakesh escaped they could hurt his mom.
He had an idea. Sharad uncle's house could be seen from their home.
"Mom, I need to go to the toilet!"
"Not now babu, please."
"Mom! It's urgent! Uncle, toilet please!"
The man standing guard was clearly not happy but he did not doubt the 10-year old boy's intention much.
"Okay go! But if you try to be smart, I cannot give guarantee of your mom's life!"
Rakesh, on the way, slyly grabbed his favorite slingshot from the corner of the bed and took it with him to the bathroom. He needed to be quick, so he instantly turned on the tap. Then he opened the bathroom window and could see Sharad uncle's home from there, which made him happy. He grabbed a napkin from the bathroom and wrote on it with soap, "UNCLE, RAKESH HERE. 45/A ELLIOT ROAD. PLEASE HELP."
Then he wrapped that paper nicely on a pebble, securing it with a rubber band, that he luckily found, thanks to his mom. Next he targeted the glass window of Sharad uncle's house from his bathroom window. He needed to be accurate first time as any delay could mean problems.
He used to have target practice often during his spare time but this was a pressure cooker situation. He needed to be accurate the first time and hit the bulls eye!
He extended the slingshot as much as possible and released it, as he watched with bated breath. Usually a slingshot was quick, but at times like these, seconds seem like minutes and minutes like hours.
Yes! He had hit the target. The glass window was definitely broken and in a minute Sharad uncle's home's lights were turned on. Now he was praying that somehow he sees the message he sent.
"What kiddo! Are you doing number 2? Remember your mom is here. Alone."
"I am done, uncle."
Rakesh quickly returned back. From the bedroom he could not see Sharad uncle's house, he could only be optimistic.
Meanwhile the second guy returned.
"Madam, what! You don't have much cash at all! Do you keep everything in the bank?"
"Why should I tell you?", Neha was visibly irritated by now.
"Oh, she is getting angry! Look here madam, we mean no harm, but we have come here with lots of expectations! It takes lot of preparation to do what we do. You cannot spoil that, you see?"
"See, that's all I have. Please take everything and leave."
"Sure, we will leave. Hey Panchu, man! I am feeling hungry. Check out the refrigerator please!"
"Boss! Have you taken all ?"
"Yes yes, we have time. Let's get some food and then we will get the ATM details."
"HeeHee! Sure, boss, I love working for you!"
After a while Panchu was back with a bowl of 'gajar ka halwa', and two plates of 'chicken kasha'!
Rakesh looked on with anger as he loved 'gajar ka halwa' and these men were actually going to grab his share!
"Ah madam! Thank you! At least you have good food."
Each of them took turns to eat hungrily as the other stood guard at the bedroom.
Rakesh was worried thinking that may be his plan failed! Time was running out. But there was nothing he could do.
But then all of them heard hurried footsteps as men in uniform entered the house. Sharad uncle was accompanying them.
Without much words exchanged the officers immediately understood the crime scene and caught both the culprits red handed.
Neha was visibly surprised but super happy too!
"Mr. Sharad! How could I ever thank you!"
"If you have to thank, thank your son, madam. It's because of him that we could save you!"
And then he narrated the entire incident how Rakesh had informed him.
Neha hugged her son out of pride.
"Mr. Sharad, please have a cup of coffee before you leave!"
"It's okay. I'll come some other time. Let me first ensure a good riddance for these criminals." Looking at Rakesh, he said, "Good bye sir! Your mom should be proud of you!"
Once the police and Mr. Sharad left, Neha took out the mirror once again and held it in front of her son.
"Who do you see now, my boy?"
Rakesh was silent for a moment and then he said.
"My father?"
"Yes, my son! You have definitely grown up. You remind me of him!"
The mom proudly hugged her son again!